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Thea stood infront of the mirror, holding her wand above her head. It was only homework.. and she could put it right straight away; she just had to practise it! Phew. No stress.. none at all. 'Felintas..' She had closed her eyes, but she could feel the quick tingling sensation that told her it had worked. Opening her eyes, Thea cringed. she had made it simple. Longer hair now cascaded down her back. And it was curly. Curly curly.. Bleurgh.
Violet triumphantly ducked into the girls' bathroom--she had made it without anyone seeing her. Then she realized someone else was in there! But wait...she had caught the words "Felintas" as she backed into the doorway. The other girl was practising Transfiguration, too! Well, that was all right, then; even if her hair colour wasn't back to normal, at least the other girl probably wouldn't laugh at her (too hard...)