Hey Owen, how good it is to see this story active again! As always your writing is spectacular, and captivating. I love how you opened the chapter with the kids return home for the holiday. Poor, poor Albus! I hope he recovers soon. Such a thing to recover from though.
And Hugo is needing to talk to his dad about things troubling him but alas,
Ron is in dire circumstances of his own.
Ogranak had returned from South America the previous day, bringing with him several aztec blades and gold sculptures, each of them depicting a legend of Dedun. The artifacts had been taken by Krull's men, bypassing the usual procedure that recommended further study in Gringotts' hallowed halls.
Bill Weasley had convinced him that siding with Krull was the wrong option, even if it meant Goblins would 'take their rightful place' - the magical world had suffered enough from war in recent years.
I love this part, ^ because it shows loyalty to his wizard friends and his ability to be smart about things. And also to be rightfully scared out of his mind.
This next bit is interesting... I must keep this in mind for things to come. I'm wondering why Griphook would be replaced by such a high definition Goblin.
Only in Gringotts was he not watched, though the prefect chosen to replace Griphook, one Hrolfgar, was clearly a highly regarded member of the Dedun sect.
Yes, a Goblin of interest to be sure.
Aside from the winged serpent that doominated the gatehouse, it put him in mind of the muggle fortress at Harlech. A castle designed to inspire fear in the locals.
Forgetting his mission, Ogranak instantly turned and fled in the direction he had come; not even worried about whatever had killed the Dedun priest.
Obviously it inspires fear in certain Goblins too.
But then, who wouldn't be afraid if they saw such a massive castle appear like that!
Now Owen, the rest of this is way too much for me to highlight and comment on separately, so I'll just have to wing it without highlighted aid, so please be patient with me.
The description of the figure in black that killed the Dendun priest, I'm thinking is Cei. And he would be stiff and out of practice because of the near death he escaped from the Goblins when they captured and beat him. If this is the case, then there is hope for Ron because Cei can start devising a plan to help Ron escape. But there is a rub to this theory, I think Cei has his agenda, and saving Ron might not be as important. He might take care of why he was waiting there all this time in the first place. If Ron works into the plan than so be it, otherwise Ron will have to wait for Harry to rescue him. Also to Ron's benefit is the fact that Organak must have been following Ron, and since Cei didn't kill Organak, then he can run back and tell Harry what he saw. Here's another question for me to think on; Do the artifacts play an important part in what Cei has going on? Why didn't Organak hand them over when he got back from South America? Is he a double agent? And the last thing I'm wondering is if Teddy is following Organak, and what part he plays in this dilemma.
Ron stared, shocked to see James Potter sneering at him - the young wizard's profile lit by a green flame, giving his skin a serpentine pallour - struggled ineffectively at his bonds.
"James? What are you.... Why are you doing this?"
"Silence."*James' leather-gauntlet covered hand whipped across Ron's face, turning his world black.
I was so afraid of this!
I hope James is just way undercover and has to play his expected part. But, I'm so afraid (at this moment) that he has turned away from the light and gone dark.
Great come back Owen! I loved this chapter and hope you can put up the next one really soon.