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Wes had gone....exploring patrolling around HIS Ministry and was pleasantly surprised when he came to a fancy spiral staircase just a few levels away from his own.
He paused as he started to descend the staircase, noticing an odd man lurking in the stairwell. Well well well. What did he have here? And what was that man reading?
As Wes quietly, almost silently, came down the stairs, he couldn't help but notice that the man seemed to be holding a set of suspiciously familiar personnel files....hmm.....
"Excuse me," he said loudly, projecting his voice in the hopes of startling the man as he deliberately bumped into him and caused the files to scatter all down the stairs. "Oops."
He leaned up against the wall and folded his arms, leering at the man with a wolfish grin.
Flicking his fingers through the pile, Recard stopped when he reached the one headed, 'Browne, Emily'.
'Excellent!' he thought to himself with a sneer. He pulled her bio to the top of the stack and began to read.
Blach, blah, blah...perfect grades PFFT, deceased father,...'participating in the Potions for Muggles Club which was directed by Potions Mistress Hecate Lafay'
Emily knew Lafay?! What is this madness? Armen's face contorted into a look of mingled shock and outrage. How dare she give him a hard time for mixing with those that weren't well looked upon by the Ministry's former leader and the living-in-the-past MLE Department. She was friendly with Hecate Lafay for Merlin's Sake! Armen knew that woman and frankly she was one of the few Cult members that gave him the creeps.
Then suddenly a voice boomed from behind and above him and just as Armen turned his head to see who was spying on him, he was slammed into, causing the papers to spill down the stairs before him.
"Hey!!! Watch where you are going there moron! Seriously!" It wasn't like the staircase was even busy.