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Old 09-20-2011, 09:01 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Im confused.. The detailed press release was still vague. Does this mean Warner Bros is now starting a Vault system like Disney does with their animated films? I thoughy Disney was the only one that has Vault system. And in that vault is all 8 Harry Potters? Would that include the ultimate editions as i am slowly getting it every xmas.

There are conflicting statements in their story that needs to be clarified. Does it means for shipping, so that means online? Would the stores be still able to sell it off of their shelves and people can buy it physically than online?

As for the 8th movie, coming out on 11/11/11 and it will be on the shelvesfor a month and half and it will be gone? That does not sound right. Is this mistype or something?

Bizzare! I hope snitchseeker is able to tap into their source at Warner Bro for more clarification.
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