Thread: The Gazebo
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Old 09-19-2011, 10:23 PM   #182 (permalink)
Formerly: Kimstar18
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Irish eyes || Nanny McPhee

Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post
Isobel couldn't help but giggle at that. "Well like I said, I didn't dance with a boy because there weren't enough. Maybe next time you should come to the class." She smiled at him, then leaned her head against his shoulder.

Isobel smiled again, she just could not stop smiling. Of course she couldn't because she was with Damien, and she hadn't seen him in a long time. "Do you know how to dance?" She asked him.
She did make a valid point. If Damien were to actually make something of himself, going to classes would undoubtedly help him reach that something, wouldn't it? But then it involved taking time out of his busy schedule to bother with something so trivial as -- well -- going to class. But going would also mean he could possibly spend more time with Isobel. Which he was, of course, in favor of. But would he distract her by being in class? Isobel was the more studious after all and he, Damien, wouildn't want to jepordize her studies for the simple fact of being around her every chance he got.

Her head found his shoulder, and all at once he forgot his train of thought. All that mattered was that he was with her. Damien kissed the top of her head before asking the all important question.

Could he dance? "Erm --" he stammered. "Well it can't be that hard can it?" he asked. "I guess it would depend on the kind of dance," he added giving her a smirk before grabbing her hand to twirl her around and pulling her close to him (in the standard slow-dance hold). "This however," he added touching his forehead down to hers, "is definately more my pace."
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