Originally Posted by
DeathEater1 In knockturn alley, can you double post? I wanted to know that because I want to go to twilfit and tattings again, but I was the last post, and it was two days ago. Also, do you have to sign up for a diagon alley charrie or can you just make one up without all that?
You're never allowed to double post. The only case where double posting is okay is in places like announcement threads, or if it is a mod providing information of some sort, but in general you can't double post.
I suggest editing your post instead or asking someone else to play there too.
And do you mean shopkeepers or just general characters? Shopkeepers are chosen by me, you can't apply for those. But you can play any general character current to the timeline, as well as your ministry character at any time, and your school character ONLY when the term is not in session.