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Old 09-19-2011, 02:59 AM   #20 (permalink)
Red Cap
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Arizona USA
Posts: 89

I m so disappointed and upset!! I drove 5 hours from Phoenix, az. Started to stand in line after paying 25 dollar lolly pop. The line wasnt long. I would say maybe 50 to 70 people in front of us. So i thought i had a great chance!! Then at 5 pm, Rupert arrived n started the autograph session. At 6 rupert came outside to greet the fans and signd maybe 10 more. And the fans were trampling over everyone to sign something or take pixes. My friend was stuck by the rope thing and was trampled over it i kept telling everyone to back off and nobody would listen. Rupert was like 10 inches away from me and we had an eye contact but i couldnt take that beautiful photo shot or get his autograph because nobody would let my friend up. It was horrible!! They should have kept the autograph signing to have more crowd control and have limited amount of people he can sign for. I was really furious!! To make it a lot worse they wont refund my money for that popstick. Only exchange. So i wrote a sign and carried it around in that store. " i drove 5 hrs and stood in line for 4 hrs and what do i get? 25 dollar candy and no Rupert." i did get few shots of him but tooooooo many people were all over me. If you want my pixes, lmk i can send it to snitchseeker if they ask me.

So i would say he signed maybe 25 to 30 pixes and that was it for the day. That wasnt right!! Sorry to vent out but just wanted to let you know that the sugar factory did a poor job with crowd control and limited autographs. I would say maybe there was 100 people or 150 peoplr, unlikr any HP premires which looks like 5,000 people which i would have understood but 100 to 150 people, please!!!!! Come on!!
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