Originally Posted by
MeredithRodneyMckay "Not a problem, and that'll be fine. Just give me a little bit of time to lock up after you've all gone, and I'll be down to meet you." Isabelle gave the prefect a warm smile and nod of the head. Hopefully she'd be able to help calm some of whatever was making her so nervous lately.
Kurumi smiled and bowed her head again in gratitude. She didn't even really have the heart to pretend to cast the counter spell to those she had fake-applied to her hair. She was sure that if she merely forgot about the fact that it had changed or thought about ice and ice cream it would revert back. Still, Kurumi took out her wand and tapped her head, whispering something that looked like she was saying the spell and her hair instantly began to grow long again. The color also began to fade back to black after a few moments.
Originally Posted by
MeredithRodneyMckay "Right then everyone, class is now over. You can all change yourselves back, wipe off your make up - I have some soft cloths over here for you to do that - and remove your costumes. If you could place those back in the trunks I'd appreciate it. Homework will be posted up on the board soon. Thank you all!"
And just in time.
Kurumi immediately began to pack her things up. Having completed that, Kurumi walked over and picked up a wet cloth to remove the make up from her face. Merlin, this white face paint didn't come off very easily. Taking much longer than she would have liked, Kurumi returned to her desk and made sure that everything she had borrowed was back in its proper place in the trunk.
Everything packed and ready, Kurumi turned to give Professor Magnus one last look. "
Th-Thank you for the lesson, Professor," she said as she tugged on her now long black hair. "
I'll be waiting at the lake." Probably with a good book or some other homework.
She then made a quick bow and exited the classroom.