“Good evening Students, Professors, Headmaster and Ministry guests, my name is Flexio Magnusto, and I will continue to be your announcer for this term’s Quidditch Matches. Today we feature the second Match of the term between the teams representing the Houses of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.” A loud roar of support rose with the names of each of the two Houses. The announcer then turned towards the crowd again…. “Today’s match is being brought to you by Olivanaders Wands, Makers of Fine Handcrafted Magic Wands, remember…..the wand chooses its owner, choosey owners choose Olivander’s. And also by Weasley’s Wizarding Wonders, connoisseurs of Special Magic Accessories, see their stores in Diagon Alley and announcing their new location in Hogsmeade.” As the two teams began entering the Pitch from opposite sides, another cheer rose up and the announcer’s voice could just barely be heard, he turned to face the Headmaster and nodded, the Headmaster nodded back his approval and the announcer stood up. “And now may I present to you this term’s Quidditch Official, recently granted the special title if Knighthood from the Ministry, Sir Theodore “Spots” Puppington” Before starting this Match I would like to make the following announcement regarding the Penalty to be imposed upon the Gryffindor team for violation of the rule to turn in their roster by the deadline. The Penalty imposed will be 50 points to Ravenclaw and the capture of 1 Snitch. I feel that this penalty while severe enough to reflect the importance of the violation, still allows the Gryffindor team the ablity to eventually catch up and possibly win the Match. Spots moved to the center of the circle in the middle of the Pitch calling attention to the two opposing Captains, “now, I would like this to be a fair match, I will let the announcer do the play calling but I will be officiating.” He reached down and pulled out the small golden ball from the old leather trunk. As he lifted it up, he briefly held it next to the ghostly Snitch he permanently held in his other hand and compared the two. The real snitch stretched its wings and Spots looked one last time to the Headmaster who once again smiled and nodded his approval, Spots released the Golden Snitch that briefly hovered above him and then sped away out of sight. Spots then grabbed the reddish-brown Quaffle and, looking up to the two sets of teams floating just above him, he blew his whistle and gave the Quaffle a great toss up into the air. "and let the match begin.........."
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