½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Elise walked into the classroom, slowly...
What her grandfather would do to her if he knew she was taking Muggle Studies... She shuddered. "G'morning, Professor!" she greeted.
Oooooooooh! Sweeeeeeeeeeeets! And those weird little colored bottles. YUM!
Picking up a purple bottle called Gatorade, some jelly beans and those little packets that read Skittles, she found a nice purple beanbag and plopped herself on it.
Opening her packet of Skittles, she popped a red one into her mouth and cringed at the sourness. Best lesson EVER!
Elise could tell that she was going to loooooooooooove Muggle Studies. Yup!