Originally Posted by
Divine Eagle
"I will do" he smiled slighty, trying to ignore the fact that at some point he'd have to face them, and he'd have to be strong.
"It means I'm going to have to try extra hard in D.A.D.A class."
He thought about this for a minute "Oh alright" he smiled again.
"I know what you are thinking, but trust me, however corny this sounds; you are the only girl for me" he said while looking deep into her eyes.
"I'll help you if you ever need it defensive spells come easy to me" she told him smiling. Maybe she could get her hands on her uncles notes on defensive spells that they don't teach in DADA until about 6th or 7th year it would be quite helpful for Scott.
She would eventually tell him about what was happening with her parents. Since she hated to keep things from him but right now wasn't the proper time to say anything about that.
Looking up at him she smiled
"So I don't have to worry about those Ravenclaw girls?" she asked smiling. For some reason she just didn't trust them but she fully trusted Scott so she would take his word. And she could tell he was being honest about it because of the way he looked at her.