Thanks to all who commented my story. @ Fred is awesome I’m sorry but I won’t tell you right now. Cause it will come out in the following chapters.
Have fun with the next Part of Chapter one
Chapter One Part Two- No normal Girl -
I entered the salon, which was lighted by an old chandelier. The curtains were drawn together, to banish the sunlight, which my Father hated liked Dumbledore himself.
“Isabel, come in. Close the door.”, commanded my father, who was sitting at a huge table made by oak tree. He pored over some parchments, and didn't look at me. I obeyed, closed the door and approached to the table. The silence was just disturbed by the scraping of my father's quill and the crackling of the chimney. „Which is the anti course of Engorgio?“ I breathed again. It was a simple question, which meant that father was in a good mood. „Reducio!“ I answered barely after he finished his question. His lessons always began with a ten-minutes questioning. So my father could see, if I read the books, he told me, or not. He was not eager to read through long essays. That was just a waste of time, like he always said. My mum cared about the theory, who had more time to deal with it, than his husband. My fathers lessons were based on using of the spells and courses directly. They didn't often ended in a duel.
Father asked me a few questions about more difficult potions and spells, until he stood up of his chair and pulled out his wand. I hold my wand in a ready position. My wand was made by Gregorovitsch. It was a single piece, made by elm tree and a hair of an unicorn. The unicorn was a seldom one, who belongs to a herd in the South of France, where the Ministry of Magic put it under
protection of species.
„Today I will show you, how you can protect your mind for any kind of unwished attacks. This kind of magic is called Occlumency. I will first try to get into your mind,“ My father began to explain.
I've already heard of it. Bella had offered Mum to show me this kind of magic, but until now she hadn't find the time to show it to me.
I nodded, as a sign, that I had listened to him.
„You will try to prevent me attacking your mind. First of all, you will free you of all your feelings. Then you will think of something un important. I'll give you five minutes.“
His eyes, which were today brown, looked at me.
I fought intensely against my fear to mess up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. In front of my inner eye I imagined a lawn covered with flowers, which was separated of a thin river.
It was really idyllic. I concentrated as much as I could and opened my eyes again. In my fathers pale face I could read the pleasant anticipation
“I count till three. ONE, TWO, TREE, LEGILIMENS!”
Father threw his wand. Lots of memories were spinning through my head. It was really hard to stop them moving. But suddenly I made it to think of the lawn covered with flowers, where nothing happened. Seconds later I was back in the Salon. I swayed a bit because of the power of the anti curse. “For the beginning not that bad. At the end you finally achieved to lead to some unimportant thoughts. Let's try again!”, suggested my father. He was really in a good mood today.
Usually he would have laughed at me, because I didn't made it at the first run.
After a few tries I achieved just to show my dad the lawn nothing more. He seemed to be satisfied with my skills today. “You will train it every evening before you go to sleep. I'll check it next week. For the rest of the week you will go through the whole other subjects with your mother. I will return from my journey next monday. Then I expect from you, that you distance me completely of your mind.” “Yes, I will, Father.”, answered I and curtseyed obediently.
He smiled his cold smile and said: „ What would I do without you, Isabel?“
Without saying something to this rhetorical question, I left the Salon. Like every time I felt very relieved. Yeah! If dad wasn't here the whole week, mum and I could learn outside and talk a little bit French perhaps. I didn't know why Father didn't like French and why he always got so furious, if he caught us (Mum and me) talking in French. Mum had English and French ancestors, so she could speak both languages fluently. I could speak French very well, concerning the fact, that mum and I could just change a few words secretly. My biggest wish was to go to South France and see the seldom unicorns. In general France was a beautiful country, what my mum told me about it. She 'd been to Beaubatons for one year and had seen quite much of the country.
Almost jumping I went upstairs to Mums room. She pored over my essays, which were on the her table, as I entered the room. I closed the door and Mum lifted her head and watched me. “How did it go?” Her green eyes looked me over. “Well. Dad was in a good mood today. Just asked me five questions and then we started to practice Occlumency.”, told I mum.
Her face was quite relaxed, but as she heard Occlumency, there worry line was suddenly there again.
„I did a good job for the first time. I've imagined to be at a lawn. He saw many memories, but nothing really bad. Not our trip to Paris. I think Father, was quite pleased.“, said I really relaxed. „did you know that he'll be away next week?“ „Yes, he told me that before.“ Mum smiled. Her green eyes sparkled. Mum was also delighted, if father wasn't there. It was so much more relaxed. We hadn't to pay heed to everything we said.
„Could we practice outside then?“ „Of course, Sweetie. Come on, it's nice weather outside. Let's go in the garden. I'll show you the herbs for the Forgettable Potion.”
Hope you liked it