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Alyssa looked at the color of Jesifur's hair. "Ooooohh!!....I love the color of your hair? Are you going to keep it? It matches with your makeup, Jesifur".
"Okay, now I'm going to try the changing the color of my hair. Let's hope this works. Here's crossing fingers," Alyssa said. Concentrating really hard on the color she was hoping to get, Alyssa tapped the top of her head and said "Ris-Tar-is". She quickly checked the mirror. Yes! it was exactly the color she wanted purplish pink.
Alyssa turned to look at Minerva. "Minerva, I love that shade of purple. It so matches your curls. I hope that you're going to keep that."
She turned to the other 2 students talking with Minnie. "Oh hi there, I'm Pearl and this over here is Jesifur. I've seen you in class before, but I haven't had the chance to say hi. Nice to meet the both you."
" Nice to meet you too. I'm Justin. Pleased to meet both of you " said Justin.