Violet looked at her hair in the mirror--the shape was okay, but she needed to return the colour back to normal before trying to change it intentionally. She decided it was better to start all over again. Hoping with all her might that her hair really would return to normal, she closed her eyes and pictured herself as she looked in the mirror every morning--straight, chin-length, dark-brown hair and scowling, sleepy face and all--and tapped herself twice on the head with her wand while saying "In-tar-is" She kept her eyes closed for a few minutes more, then slowly opened one eye and peered in the mirror. Thank Merlin! Her hair was back the way it was!
With a sigh of relief, she started over again; ;third time's the charm, after all--wasn't that what they said? At least now she had seen enough clown hair to have a better idea of what she was going for, and William's explanations had helped a lot, too. She closed her eyes again, concentrated on frizzy curls as hard as she could, tapped herself once on the head, and said very clearly, "Felintas!" Then she opened her eyes again.
It had worked! Her hair was still the same dark brown colour, but now it was frizzed out all over her head like it had been before.