Thread: Harry Potter: Alexis Palmer - Sa13+
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Old 09-16-2011, 07:11 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Chapter 6

Five years later, Lexi Palmer had never had a boyfriend, never shared another kiss, nor had she seen Harry since that day when they were fifteen. She was getting ready to start her third year at Oxford. She was living at home over the summer, and her family was positive she would be single for the rest of her life.
She was always either thinking about school, work, or Harry. Harry was always on her mind. Even after five years, she could still feel their kiss on her lips as if it had just happened. She felt as if she would never forget him, or the feelings that she had had for what seemed like forever.
Then, her whole world seemed to go upside down from one letter. There it was, before the postman had even come, on her doorstep, was a cream-colored envelope. She immediately recognized Harry’s handwriting. Excited, for this is what she had been waiting for years for, she ripped it open with all her might, only to begin sobbing on the doorstep. The first line of the letter was;

You are cordially invited to the wedding of Harry James Potter and Ginevra Molly Weasley!

She ran up the stairs and slammed the door behind her, sobbing into her pillow. Her older sister Mary, who was visiting with her husband and children, ran up the stairs and knocked on the door. “Lexi, could I come in?”
She only heard a larger amount of sobs. Taking that as a yes she opened the door. She found her sister on her bed, with mascara running down her cheeks. “What’s wrong?” asked Mary, hoping it wasn’t anything to bad.
Wailing even louder Alexis handed her the letter. After Mary read it, she began to comprehend her sister’s strange behavior for the past years.
She put her arm around her and whispered, “It’s sad to see you like this Lexi. I know you loved him, and you will be in a deep place in his heart I’m sure.” Lexi began to cry even louder. “But you are better than him. And I suggest you go to the wedding, and show him that you are better without him.”
This time Lexi looked up at her sister. “You think I should?”
“I know you should,” she then hugged her sister even tighter. “Now where is this wedding of his?”
After a sniffle and a wiping of the nose, Lexi read, “Ottery St. Catchpole on July 31, Harry’s birthday, from noon to what ever time it feels like ending.” Lexi laughed. “I’m guessing Harry added that bit in.”
Mary smiled and laughed herself. “Now let’s choose the best dress we can for you before the end of July. I’ll help you.”
Lexi smirked. She had promised herself that she was never going to let Mary near her closet. Mary’s pinks and blues would be awful with Lexi’s greens, purples, and blacks. But this was something she had to change. She had to tell Harry she was better than her rotten punk look, and could actually look pretty.
So she said, “Okay, let’s do this thing.”
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