Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire Chapter 2: Worm your way out of this one
Angelina smiled at herself in the mirror and gently rubbed her hand over the barely noticeable bump on her abdomen. The potion had turned purple so she knew for sure that she was going to be a mummy to a new baby, but she hadn’t told George yet. He wouldn’t be able to keep quiet about it and she wasn’t ready to tell the world. She was only about a month a long anyways.
Lina quickly rolled down her top as her bedroom door swung open.
“Angel, Katie and Lee are here.....are you alright?” George moved further into the room and pulled his wife towards him. She looked a bit peaky. Angelina nodded and smiled at him.
“Yep I’m perfectly fine.” She answered. George waggled his eyebrows suggestively and slipped his hands down to her waist.
“Mhm, yes you are perfect Johnson-Weasley.” Angelina laughed and pulled away. Too close for comfort.
“Let us not keep them waiting.”
The whole clan of Weasleys and company were going out for a picnic at the Wizarding Park. Bill and Fluer were going to be there along with Victoire, who was now seven and their new baby, Harry and Ginny were taking Teddy along, Charlie was in town, Percy and his new girl friend, Ron and Hermione were going to be there and of course Katie, Alicia and Lee. Mrs. Weasley was responsible for the food and George and Lee had entertainment planned.
Freddie and Teddy frowned at Victoire, who had them sat on the grass while she put flowers in their hair.
“Vicki stoop! I don’t like flowers.” Teddy said frowning up at the blonde.
“Yeah, flowers are girly.” Freddie chimed in. Victoire wagged her finger at both of them.
“Flowers are the best things in the whole universe. They will make you beautiful like me.” She twirled for added effect.
“Aren’t I beautiful Papa?” She asked her dad who was looking on at them. Bill smiled lovingly at his daughter.
“You’re the most beautiful girl in the whole universe.” He answered. Victoire turned back to her cousins.
Freddie and Teddy looked at each other and frowned, then they grinned mischievously and shook the flowers from their hair.
“Flowers are worst than dung beetle poo!” Freddie said running off. Teddy was hot on his tail. Victoire watched them leave with a shocked looked on her face, but her parents knew what was coming next....the water works.
“They’re so mean Papa!” Victoire sniffled and Bill wiped her tears away.
“They’re just being little boys Vicki. Why don’t you put flowers in Mummy’s hair?” Fluer smiled at her daughter and opened her arms for her, while George and Lee grinned at each other.
“That’s my boy.” George whispered to Lee. He snickered, catching the attention of the women there.
“What are you two up to?” Hermione asked eying them. Lee got to his feet and George followed.
“Nothing, we think it’s time to begin the game.” Lee answered pulling the brooms from a bag. George picked up the quidditch trunk.
“I think I’m going to sit this one out,” Hermione said pouring herself a cup of tea. Ron scoffed.
“This one? The last time you got on a broom Hermione, was first year flying lessons.” The group laughed and Hermione scowled at Ron.
“Well I’m sitting this one out too,” Alicia added when things settled. Angelina nodded as well.
“Next round, you boys have fun.”
The men all left to play quidditch leaving the women to gossip and catch on the affair of the persons they somehow lost contact with.
“ I heard that after she split with Percy she got with Rufus Bucklehurst. He’s two years younger than her, it’s his baby she’s carrying now.” Ginny said taking a sip of her tea.
“You mean hyena laugh Rufus?” Katie asked, obviously holding back a cackle of her own. Her, Angelina and Alicia looked at each other then burst out laughing.
“You lot are not being very nice if you ask me..” Hermione said reaching for her cup of tea. She placed it to her lips and let out an ear splitting scream. She proceeded to spit and tried hacking up everything she just drank.
“Hermione what is dear?” Mrs. Weasley asked bustling over. Everyone else started moving towards her too and the quidditch game had stopped. She pointed to her cup. Mrs. Weasley tilted the cup forward to inspect it’s content and frowned at what she saw. Her eyes darted around looking for the two little boys. Both boys were sitting behind Hermione with their hands balled behind their backs. They looked up at Mrs.Weasley with guilty expressions on their faces.
“Let me see your hands...both of them.” She fixed them with the famous Mrs.Weasley glare and they complied. Both boys hand handfuls of slimy earth worms wiggling around between their fingers. Hermiones cup had the rest of the worms that they dug up.
The men tried hard to hold back the laughter but George was the first to crack, then Harry and then it was all over. Thunderous roars of laughter echoed around the park. The women looked on in horror, Hermione was frozen and Angelina had her face covered.
Mrs. Weasley took both boys by the hand and led them away to get cleaned up.
“You two are in a world of trouble!”
__________________  ...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack... |