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"You overheard me say the password...?"
Marie was going to have to be a little more careful when saying the password to get into her common room. Not that she minded Matty knowing it but if anyone else ever overheard her saying it... yeah, she didn't want to have to answer to Lafay on that one. "...and you came into my dorm room? Do you know what would have happened to you if Lafay would have caught you... or even one of the other girls?" She didn't even want to think about what Lafay would do to him.
Feeling herself blush when he said she looked adorable when she sleeps she leaned in and gave him a little kiss. "Trust me, you were around. You're always around when I sleep. In my dreams that is." It's true. He was always in her dreams. He was the first person she thought about when she woke up and before falling asleep and he was always in her dreams.
"I'm not proud of it... but Lafay, your housemates, and you would see a first year Slytherin girl."
*Using polyjuice and turning into a first year girl was completely worth it. Marie was more than worth it to him. Also if he was some how found out by Lafay Matty knew he could talk himself out of it. It kind of creeped him out but Matty had a feeling that when ever he was in class professor Lafay would keep her eyes on him. That and the always trying to help him, and being... dare he say it... kind to him? Maybe he was just crazy, good thing he didn't get caught and have to test his theory.*
"You are more than worth the risk."