Part Six
A light swung above me, making everything pitch and roll nausousely. As I glared up at it, movement in the shadows caught my eye, causing me to freeze. I glanced round quickly, noting the bars of the cage I sat in as the figure moved again.
Are you prepared to stop fighting yet, Alicia?” I shot to my feet, my hair turning black as it shortened.
Never” I hissed, bracing to blow my cage apart and kill him. “
Don’t use my name- you have no right to call me that”
On the contray, I think I do” Malfoy sneered, stepping forwards. “
You see, I’ve got things that are very dear to you- five, to be exact” I breathed heavily, dropping onto the low bed and holding my head in my hands. “
Also, there were those nights we spent together-”
You spent- I was unconscious after being attacked by your goons, remember?” I spat, jumping up again.
It won’t work, by the way” He said causally, strolling round the outside of my prison. “
The bars are enchanted- you can’t break them any more than you could break those chains” I had no idea what chains he was talking about, but I glared at him anyway.
I’m not planning on breaking bars- I’m planning on breaking bones- especially yours” I snarled, my hands balling into fists.
You forget, I hold all the card, love, not you” Malfoy said, smirking. “
Your twin boys… Your husband… your pretty little girl-”
Don’t you dare touch Amii!” I said, feeling sick at the thought.
What do you take me for, Alicia? I don’t need the eleven year old- there’s the other one, what’s her name? Amii’s older sister”
Tasha has nothing to do with you!” The words burst out, shaking slightly.
She’s so much like you when we were that age” He said suggestively and I narrowed my eyes at him dangerously. “
It’s almost uncanny” He laughed as I tried to lunge at him. “
Going to stop fighting now?”
Until you stop breathing for good, I’ll fight” I snarled, shaking with rage.
Very well- bring them in” My head turned as a door opened behind me, light spilling into the fancy living room.
Mum!” My breathing hitched and my heart skipped a beat as Alfie’s shout echoed round the room.
Alfie! Sean! Amii!” I cried as they ran towards me. I dropped to my knees and threw my arms out between the bars.
Mum-” Sean said, gripping my hand tightly.
Don’t be scared- I’ll fix this! Mummy and Daddy will fix this- I promise- NO!” The last word was a snarl as someone pulled them away from me.
Going to stop now?” Malfoy asked casually, still circling me with a bemused expression on his face.
As long as you’re still breathing, I’ll never stop” I spat back. He must have motioned to someone because another door opened.
I think it’s time to see who I’m working with, Alicia, but first” He waved to something behind me.
Bring her to me” He drawled, making anger and panic collide inside me as Tasha was led past me.
No! Don’t you touch her! Tasha!” I shouted, grabbing the bars and pulling on them uselessly. I heard Malfoy whisper something and then Tasha screamed. “
Stop! Tasha! TASHA!” I screamed, still yanking on the unyielding bars.
Bring the Blood Traitor in- move this somewhere else” Someone dragged Tasha’s unconscious body away, but my attention was on another door.
Jamie…” I whispered heart-brokenly as he was dragged into view by his hair. “
Oh, baby… NO! Don’t you touch him!” I yelled, fury boiling through me as Malfoy stood next to him as he tried to push himself up weakly.
We’re suddenly very touchy, aren’t we?” The blonde chuckled, kicking Jamie squarely in the back and forcing him into the carpet. He groaned in pain and rolled towards me.
Get up! Please, get up! Please-” I pleaded with him, trying to reach for his hand. Something made contact with my face and I was flung backwards into the bars- hard.
Leave- her- alone” I heard Jamie say, his voice broken and full of pain as my nose broke. “
Ali- you- ‘kay?”
Course- all in a day’s work” I said, spitting a mouthful of blood as my nose reset by itself, making me wince. I tried to moved forwards, but was flung backwards again.
I- love- you” I stared down at him, tears pooling in my eyes. His face was cut and bruised, his sapphire eyes had lost their sparkle, just like his voice had lost it’s volume.
I love you too- now and forever” I answered as his thoughts registered in my head. The tears started to fall and I fought against the invisible force again. “
No! don’t you give up on me! I will not lose you, Jamie Starlight! Please!” My words were intersperced with thuds from my back hitting the bars and the odd sob that broke free of my chest.
Touching… You two haven’t changed much since school” I froze, my tearstained face looking up while my eyes remained locked on Jamie. “
Looks like I’ll just have to change that, then” A light flickered on in the far corner and I glanced up to find an oddly familiar looking man pointing a wand in my direction. “
Remember me?”
I jerked upright, screaming loudly, and Hermione fell out of the arm chair.
Something smashed in another room.
Alicia!” Hermione said, scrambling to my side as footsteps echoed upstairs. “
Alicia- shh!” I heard the door burst open and Jamie, Harry and Ron appeared in front of me.
No… No… No…” I repeated, hugging my knees and staring at the opposite wall as Jamie sat next to me, slowly wrapping an arm round my waist.
Shh… It’s okay- you’re awake” He whispered and I forced myself to hold still. He placed his free hand on my face. “
I’m here… It’s okay… What did you see?”
Jamie… I saw- I saw- Malfoy’s working with- with- with-” I couldn’t get it out as I stared at him wide yellow eyes.
Alicia, who? Who did you see?” Harry demanded, stepping forwards as Ginny walked into the room, carrying a tray.
I saw- I saw-” I stuttered as the image flashed up in front of my eyes again.
Who, Alicia?” Harry said impatiently while everyone stared at me. Jamie threw a warning look at Harry as Ginny froze in the middle of the room.
Seamus Finnigan” I whispered. The tray hit the floor, sending food in every direction.
Didn't see that one coming, did you?