Banner by Robyn aka Grr.Meow at Robyn's Animated Graphics Shop Chapter Guide: Chapter 1: Morning Energy Chapter 2: Diagon Alley Chapter 3: Old Friends Chapter 4: Hogwarts Express Chapter 5: Sorting Hat Chapter 6: Start of Term Feast Chapter 7: Second Floor Corridor Chapter 8: Charms Disclaimer: All characters belong to me. The entire Harry Potter universe curtesy of J.K.Rowling.
Chapter 1: Morning Energy
"Caitlin, time to get up. We've got things to do today" shouted a tall, 30 year old woman from the bottom of the stairs. 11 year old Caitlin Moretti woke up at the sound of her mother's voice and made her way out of her messy bedroom and into the bathroom smiling down at her mother as she passed the top of the long, spiralling staircase. Today was going to be a good day and Caitlin was looking forward to it. She had got her letter for Hogwarts explaining what she needed for the school year ahead and was going to get her books and uniform. She was particularly looking forward to getting her wand. She'd never had one before and her parents had never allowed her to use theirs. It was an exciting new adventure.
Caitlin walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror at her reflection and smiled. Many thoughts swam around her mind. Was she going to fit in? Were her professors going to like her? Was she going to be able to keep up with the work load that was going to follow throughout the years she would spend at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? She was sure she would be able to. Caitlin was a clever young lady and she'd been told a lot about the castle. About its amazing views. About how when sitting by the lake, her reflection would smile back up at her. She was excited for her new adventure and eager to get there.
Finally, Caitlin was all washed and dressed and downstairs in the kitchen waiting for her breakfast to be put in front of her.
"So are you looking forward to going to Hogwarts?" Michelle, Caitlin's mother asked. Caitlin smiled and nodded.
"Yes I am. It's going to be an exciting new adventure for me and I'm looking forward to making new friends whilst I'm there" Caitlin replied eagerly. Michelle smiled and nodded. There was the enthusiasm she admired about her youngest daughter. Caitlin turned her head to look at her father as he walked past brushing his hand over her shoulder softly.
"Morning, dad" she said to him eagerly.
"Morning, sweetheart" Gareth replied in the same eager manor. He was particularly happy to see his daughter. He hadn't seen her the night before because he was working late and she had already gone to bed.
"How was work?" Caitlin asked curiously.
"Work was fairly boring. I wish I was at home with you guys though" Gareth replied as he sat down opposite his little princess. He pulled Michelle closer and cuddled her gently. Michelle looked down at him and smiled before getting Caitlin her breakfast.
"So what time are we going to Diagon Alley, mum?" Caitlin asked enthusiastically, trying to avoid it getting a little too much. Was enthusiasm getting too much a bad thing? She didn't know but she was going to avoid it just in case.
"We'll go in a few hours. That way we can have lunch whilst we're there and make a day of it" Michelle replied putting a bowl of cornflakes in front of Caitlin. She sat down with her own breakfast and a cup of coffee and put a glass of orange juice in front of Caitlin who was already tucking into her breakfast.