Originally Posted by
Magical Soul
"Yeah. Sure. Fine." Louisa stuttered. Heavy stuff? What did that suppose to mean? Meh. She had never put full makeup on her face before. Lipstick and mascara when aunt Brown fussed about it and that was it. She'd seen clowns before, though, and if Ryden thought that Louisa might paint something like that...well, she had one heck of an imagination.
Bending down to the box, she grabbed a costume, gave it a disapproving look with a gesture of gagging just for special effects like in the movies and faced Ryden. "Well...? How are we supposed to wear those things?" She raised her costume in a careless way slapping a few students in the process - no apologies today, though; She was turning into a clown!
Louisa was horrid, but Ryden had to agree with her as she made a gagging motion. Those costumes really were atrocious. Ryden shrugged.
"What are you looking at me for? I wouldn't know," she said carelessly, eyeing hers again with distaste.
"It looks like people are just... sort of dropping theirs on," the fifth year added, taking a look at the other students. The fact that they already had them on astounded her. People here would apparently never cease to do that.