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Old 09-13-2011, 01:25 PM   #26 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Salander started to snicker as Lexi enumerated the why-nots "But thats part of the fun of it. They're awesomely disgusting!" he cackled eying the wrinkled, not quite decaying little hairballs. Then he grimaced at Lexi's suggestion "I dont want to have to go back to the dorms just for gloves, its so far awayyyyy." he said waving his hand as if the Slytherin Common Rooms were located in the towers. He fingered the wand inside his coat and mumbled "They dont have anything against us using wands do they?" He wasnt seeing any sign that says otherwise in any case.

Oh Tori's here! He gave the Ginger!Princess a welcoming smile, half listening with the girls chatting away. He winced secretly when they started making fun of the Puffs again. He glanced around, trying to see if Treyen or Arya was within earshot. Lucky for Fletcher who's already graduated. He gets wind of this he might come crashing through those doors, whacking people with that trophy of his with a litany of why the Badgers are so awesome.

Or drop something in the drink and turn them all half-sized. Whichever would prove his point better.

He started to inch his way back to the hairball pile (hands firmly in his pockets of course) when the Ravenclaw girl started to speak. Hmm.... head-boy person... hey wait that's him! "Yesss? Thats me Head Boy Salander" he grinned, he was starting to get used to how that sounded heh. Then the young Claw suggested something. A mellon what? Concealing his dumbstruck reaction by thoughtfully rubbing his chin, he glanced at Lexi saying something about pumpkin heads. "Wouldnt that get messy?" he blurted suddenly, the mental image of exploding pumpkins from Halloweens past crossing his mind. "I was just thinking of using my favorite spell and flicking it on its way." Although exploding pumpkin heads wouldnt be such a bad option either heh.
Lexi rolled her eyes and shook her head. Salander was all boy and it was totally GROSS sometimes. "Do you want to get something you can't get off? Just summon your gloves then you lazy thing... I swear you act like walking around the corner is so terrible. I had to walk down 8 flights of stairs in HEELS," she teased him. Although she WAS serious about those bloody gloves.

Lexi SAW him inching closer and she turned her head and eyed him. Had he forgotten how long it had taken her to forgive him throwing up NEAR her? If he touched something THAT gross she was not sure she would EVER forget it.
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