Join Date: Jun 2011 Location: Oceanic Flight 815
Posts: 558
| I'm glad you like my writing skills guys. It means a lot. Here's the next chapter! Hope you enjoy! Chapter 3
4 years later and little Alexis was going into her first year of schooling. She would be going into Mrs. Watson’s class. All bright-eyed with her blond pigtails, she walked into her first day and was simply amazed. Thousands of colors filled her eyes and more kids her age she had ever seen in one room were surrounding her.
Putting her back-pack in a small cubby and looking around, she took a seat next to a peculiar looking boy. His clothes were far too baggy for him, and they were out of fashion and quite hideous. He had black hair that stuck up in all places, especially in the back and bright almond shaped green eyes. He was skinnier than all the other kids, and if he wasn’t wearing such baggy clothes Alexis was sure she would see his ribs. He had round spectacles and knobby knees, but the most peculiar part about him was not his clothes or his eyes, but a thin lightning scar that went down his forehead. But this didn’t keep her away; it made her more intrigued to meet such a person.
So she smiled at him and said, “Hello.”
He, with his head said, “Hello.”
Alexis pulled out her hand and told him, “I’m Alexis, what’s your name?”
Still head down, he replied, “Harry.”
She realized she was probably making him uncomfortable, so she stayed quiet and faced the board.
Finally, Mrs. Watson came in. She was old, wrinkly, and looked like she had just eaten a lemon. “Good morning class. I’m Mrs. Watson. Now I’m going to take attendance, so raise your hand and say ‘here’ when I call your name.”
She began to list many names of the five year olds sitting in the classroom. When she said, “Dursley, Dudley”, a rather large boy stood up and answered “Present.”
He was a mean looking boy with his blond hair pasted flat to the side of his head and small piggy eyes. Alexis suddenly recalled him as one of the many boys playing on her street. She remembered images of him pushing and shoving, and she couldn’t imagine what poor soul lived inside that body.
Then Mrs. Watson called, “Palmer, Alexis”. The small child smiled and raised her hand.
Next came, “Potter, Harry”. The shy boy next to her raised his hand slightly then quickly put it down, feeling awkward bringing attention to himself. Now Alexis realized exactly who this boy was. Her mother had told her to stay away from that boy, even though she wouldn’t explain why. She lived in #4 across the way with that Dudley kid. After everyone was called, Mrs. Watson gave their first instructions. “Now please open your readers to page 3, and try reading the first page.”
Alexis immediately opened her new book her mum had gotten her and began to read the alphabet quietly to herself. She looked over to Harry and see that he had not taken out a book. He stared at the front nervously. Soon, Mrs. Watson took noticed and asked him, “Is there something wrong?” The sweetness in her voice sounded deadly.
“Umm… ma’am, I don’t have a book,” he said quietly.
“Why not?”
“Because…” he looked over at the menacing Dudley, “because, I forgot to tell my aunt and uncle I needed one.”
“Well, you can borrow one from the school for a monthly rate I’ll send home with you.” She smiled with that deadly sweetness and gave him a tattered book. He sighed and opened up to page 3 like the rest of them.
Alexis couldn’t help feeling sorry for the poor boy, but she had to continue with her work so she wouldn’t be caught by Mrs. Watson. When recess arrived the kids in their first year all ran out to the play ground. Alexis walked next to Harry, smiling. “Why didn’t you tell your aunt and uncle about the reader?” Alexis asked the thin boy.
He grimaced, “I did, but they ignored me, as always.”
“Why would they do that?” Alexis couldn’t understand the complications of Harry’s life.
He stared at her for a long time. Then he finally answered, “I don’t know why.”
There was a long silence. Then, Alexis asked, “Why do you live with your aunt and uncle anyway?” She knew he did, because of what her mum had told her, but she never understood why.
“Because when I was one, my parents died in a car accident. That’s how I got this.” He pointed at his scar. “And so now I live with my aunt, uncle, and my cousin Dudley.”
Alexis knew who Dudley was and felt absolutely sorry for Harry, including him being an orphan.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled.
“It’s okay, it’s alright now. I don’t even remember them. And I don’t remember any other way of living, you know? So it’s really fine.” He smiled at her, and she smiled back. The boy was truly sweet in her mind and she couldn’t comprehend why her mother didn’t want her talking with him, plus was also shocked of how opened he was to talk about himself, and he was also surprised at that too. But before they could say anymore, Dudley Dursley from the classroom walked up with several of the other boys in their class.
“Hey Potty,” cried out Dudley to the play ground. “I thought I might interrupt you and your girlfriend.”
“She’s not my girlfriend Dudley.” He sounded defiant and Alexis was shocked by his mood changing so much. Also, she was irritated by Dudley believing that they were dating. I mean, boys have cooties, don’t they? Well, as long as you think of them that way they do. But of course, Alexis just thought of Harry as a good friend at the moment.
“Sure she isn’t.” Dudley rolled his eyes. “How about we see how strong she is.” Suddenly, Dudley lunged at Alexis, and she instinctively moved, which was truly not that hard when the attacker wasn’t very fast. “Come on, girl; let’s see if you got any cooties from Potty?”
He finally grabbed Alexis while she wasn’t looking and began to look in her mouth.
“Leave her alone Dudley!” shouted Harry.
“Who’ll make me?” he questioned.
“Me!” Harry answered defiantly.
“You?” Dudley began to laugh, along with his newfound gang.
Suddenly, Alexis felt a gush of wind fly past her and Dudley’s sweaty palms came off her arms. When the wind had stopped, she looked around to see Harry standing there, looking around, curious about what just happened, and Dudley and his gang lying on the ground, moaning.
Harry then, stared at her sheepishly, as if worried that she might judge him. But she only grinned, still a little dumbstruck at the strangeness in this past occurrence, but said, “Thanks.”
Being a lot cheerier, Harry smiled and replied, “What are friends for?” |