Thread: Harry Potter: Alexis Palmer - Sa13+
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Old 09-11-2011, 09:10 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Okay, i just finished the story on Word, so I'll probably put out a chapter evry other day. Well, I finished typing this, I realized it was a Romance. So I apologize for putting it in hte wrong category, so if your looking for a Romace, here you go.
This chapter's kind of short, but believe me, the chapter will start getting a lot longer.

Chapter 2

Little Alexis Palmer might not have realized it, but that little bundle of blankets made big news on Privet Drive. What a scandal that Harry Potter had come to live with his completely normal aunt, uncle , and cousin, especially in such a mysterious way. Alexis’ older sister, Mary, remembers being wakened to a scream at 6:30am, which is a half an hour earlier that usual before she had to go to her Year One classroom. She looked out her window to see Mrs. Dursley reading a small note, with a bundle of blankets in her arms, and spilled milk surrounding her feet.
Mrs. Palmer immediately went over snooping to number 4 from number 5 across the way, to find her neighbors whispering quietly to themselves in harsh voices in their sitting room.
Being short and stout, Mrs. Palmer had taken a long time to get across the garden without being heard. But finally when she did, she was shocked to hear what was going on.
“Vernon, I don’t know what to do!” whispered Mrs. Dursley.
“Send him out of here! We don’t need… one… one of them in our home!” replied Mr. Dursley.
“But, he must stay, for his own good.”
“His own good? My gosh, Petunia. What about our son’s own good? He can’t be influenced by that boy.”
“Well, we could try to stop… it.”
“Stop it! That’s ridicu… wait, that’s not a bad idea.” There was a silence for a long time, so obviously Mr. Dursley was a hatching a plan. “We can try to take it out of him. If we don’t tell him about it, or punish him severely for doing… it, then it might be knocked out of him!”
Mrs. Palmer had heard enough. She stepped out of the garden, but then, Crack! A twig broke underneath her foot and there was silence inside the house.
Mrs. Dursley drew back the curtains just to see Mrs. Palmer’s behind flash into number 5.
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