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Old 09-11-2011, 08:07 PM   #730 (permalink)
princess of*hp*
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Originally Posted by serpensortia View Post
Lana felt someone grab her leg and looked down. It was an older boy. "Thank you!" she said although she wasn't quite free from those pesky pixies. He tried to pull her down, but those darned pixies just wouldn't let go. The boy then grabbed on of her left arm. Okay, just hit them, no spells he says. She thought to herself repeating what he had said. She nodded and tried to swat the pixie on her right ear with her right arm. She felt like she kept hitting for forever, but it finally let go of that ear. Too busy trying to get rid of that pixie, she didn't realize if he had gotten rid of the other one.
Theodore pulled her to the ground, brushing off a pixie hair than had landed on her shoulder. "No problem," He breathed, a bit exhausted after running around trying to de-cap these wee plants and fight the blue little pixies. This felt more like physical education than herbology! Grabbing his mason jar and uncapping it for one final time, he sprinted off to find his last botanical victim. It was time to decapitate a peppermint parasol.

Originally Posted by James_Potter View Post

Will nodded as the Slytherin girl gave him two spells to counter the Pixies. He was rather thankful, for those Pixies were evil. He only had one more parsol to go, and he approached another one, wand in hand. But before he could even touch the peppermint striped parasol, three Pixies came out of nowhere. They were flying right towards him.
"Aghh!" Will cried, flailing his arms to shield his face. He pointed his wand at one of the Pixies. "Stupefy!" he yelled. A small streak of red light exploded from his wand tip, but it seemed too weak to do anything to the Pixie. He tried once more, but again the spell was too weak. "Immobulus!" he cried. One of the Pixies fell to the floor. He jumped up and tried to run at the parasol, but the other two grabbed him by his shoulders and lifted him off of the ground. It seemed his immobilizing charm was too weak as well, for the Pixie that had fallen had gotten up and was helping the other two Pixies. Will, in his frenzied panic to escape, dropped his wand somewhere on the damp, dirt floor. Once again, he needed help.
Theodore had found a lone parasol and had gripped it tightly, ready to yank it off and complete the assignment, when he heard a distinct nasaly voice float his way. It sounded like yet another person was in peril. For Merlin's sake, today seemed like a soap opera. Turning, he noticed that it was that one new Ravenclaw, the one who sneezed everywhere and over-analyzed everything he saw and did. And he couldn't even keep his feet on the floor? Rushing over to help, Theodore left his mason jar by his quickly-decapped parasol. "I'm comi-!" FWOOP! Like a scene out of a muggle cartoon, Theodore tripped over something twig-like, but more substantial and smooth, and fell onto his hands, his nose touching the floor. "Oof," He sighed, in pain as he lay there for a moment. Only the cries of the damsel dude in distress spurred him to get up. Turning to see what he had tripped over, Theodore noticed a wand. Was it...?

Picking it up, he tossed it to the boy in need. Whether or not it belonged to him was irrelevant; they would need more than one person to conquer this swarm that swirled around the kid's head. "Stupefy on three!" He called. "One, two... three!"

A huge blast of light emitted from the end of his wand, knocking a few pixies to the wayside.

Wiping his brow with the back of his hand, Theodore scooped up his jar and the remaining parasol, tossing them into the cardboard box that was nearby. VICTORY. At least, somewhat.
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