Post 2
Right, time for another toadstool! Joy!
She took a moment to watch other student's to see if they needed help, but evryone seemed to be doing fine. Causiously she gradded another toadstool. So far so good...
Then she felt something tugging on her hair. She dropped the toadstool and and gave out a yell of pain. THERE WAS TWO OF THEM! Pulling her hair! "AH! Immobulus! Stupefy!" She hit one square in the chest. Quickly she spinned around and pulled her hair from the pixie's grasp. "Immobulus!" Hahaha. Lesson learned pixie: Do NOT touch Emily's hair.
She picked up the toadstool again and twisted it's top of. Two down, one to go!
Last edited by Zebragirl; 09-11-2011 at 03:51 PM.