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Maxwell entered the room. "Thank You for meeting with me Professor. I was interested in becoming an Animagus. I wanted to know if there was anything i could learn now to help with that and/or what marks I'll need to learn other that taking Your class at a NEWT level." Maxwell said with much confidence He was amazed how grown-up he felt.
Well now. Isabelle had barely sat back down in her seat than the first boy started talking. And it was one of the young ones, too. Wanting to be an Animagus. This was not a question she expected so early in the term. She gestured for all of them to take a seat, before realising that there were not enough for 3 people. Quickly flourishing her wand, Issy produced a small chair and placed it, with a smile, alongside the others.
Getting herself comfortable in her own chair, she folded her arms.
"Studying to become an Animagus is an extremely long and tiring process, you know. It takes a lot of skill, determination and will. Very few who start actually complete it. My first question would have to be: how dedicated to it are you?" Because there was no point in her giving him a whole list of things to study unless he was really sure. And she knew for a fact it was hard. Isabelle herself had tried and failed to get through all the reading work it required.
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That was quick. It seemed mere seconds that Mathias had sat down and now the Professor was at the door calling... all three of them in? Oh... he sorta thought that each of them would have individual time with the professor, but he supposed she was really busy so she had to manage her time before class. That made sense. Well, his question wasn't exactly personal, but he really didn't want to ask it in front of the other students. He was sure they would think him dumb. But he supposed he didn't have much choice - he needed to talk to the professor and now was the time to do it.
After a moment's hesitation, he followed one of the other boys into Professor Magnus' office. Matty would at least wait until that boy was finished with his question before he asked his. He was thinking Newt level already?, he thought as he overhead the boy. Wow, that kid must be really smart... a thought that only made the first year even more nervous to ask what he needed.
Her eyes fell on the other young boy, a Ravenclaw judging by the robes. He looked a little surprised at the Animagus talk, too. Issy gave him a small smile of reassurance. He was next on the talk-to list when she had finished speaking with the other young man.