SPOILER!!: Bentley
“Viro Torpeo,” she said jabbing her wand in the ‘stools direction. Of course it had the desired effect. Seren wiggled her finger around the toadstools cap, as it squirmed around trying to get its teeth around her glove and failing. It seemed to be a little groggy.
“Now as I’ve already mentioned we will be harvesting the fangs so that they may be kept in the potions stores cupboard for later use.”
She positioned herself behind the toadstool, facing the class. Demonstration time.
“Start by getting a firm grip on the toadstools cap, be careful not to get too close to the teeth. ... And don’t grasp the cap too tightly, or you’ll risk damaging the plant.... “ she demonstrated by placing her hand on the top of the cap and holding it in place.
“Do not... under any circumstances use a Freezing Charm, otherwise the fangs won’t come out cleanly and you’ll run the risk of them not growing back.”
She gazed around at the students’ faces to make sure they understood.
“ Then you need to get a good grip on the fang... one at a time... and yank in a downward direction.” Gripping one of the fangs, Seren did just that. With a sharp, clean yank, the fang came out. The toadstool didn’t protest... much. “Try to do this in one swift movement, it’s the quickest and the most efficient way to get them out... otherwise you’ll be pulling a little while.” Either way, they would get them out. Eventually.
She held it up for the class to see. Quickly she repeated the process, then held up the second fang to show the students. “Once you have successfully harvested both fangs from your Biting Toadstool, please place it in this jar.”
Seren held up a fairly big jar and placed it on a spare stool beside the blackboard.
With a flick of her wand, the instructions appeared on the board.
“Right, make sure you have your gloves on. If for some reason you forgot to bring them with you... or have misplaced them, you will find spares in the cupboard by the greenhouse door. Please return them at the end of class if you borrow them.”
And without further ado, Seren stepped aside, motioning for the students to approach a Biting Toadstool. Let the fun begin!
“Once you have completed the activity you may return to your seat.”
For this mini-activity you need to post a total of 3 times to be eligible for maximum participation points. This part of the activity will be open for approx 18hours, or longer, depending.
Post 1: Perform the Numbing Charm, and make sure it worked- you don’t have to get it right the first time.
Post 2: Harvest the first fang. Follow the process.
Post 3: Harvest the second fang and deposit them into the jar.
Viro Torpeo... Aurora muttered the incantation to herself until confident she had got it right, practiced the wand movement a few times and then looked at her toad stool.
"Viro Torpeo." she jabbed her wand at it. Hmm, she waved her gloved finger at it closely... it seemed a
little disorientated... maybe try again for good measure... She ended up using the spell three times before the Toad Stool looked sufficiently sleepy .