Originally Posted by
Ivy Nienna
Resisting the urge to squeal like the girly girl she was not, Ivory settled on spontaneously and very out of character-ly hugging her fellow prefect. It was quick and it was what it was. A simple gesture of comrades in arms.
"Awesome sauce." Standing back, positively beaming at his fist pump, the Ravenclaw prefect sat herself back down copying his example and putting up her feet as she put her brain to work.
Picking up where he trailed off , the petite girl nodded. "...would be cheating." Yeah, and while it would ideally be the perfect plan, her moral conscious would never let it go. "But perhaps we can have weekly study sessions in the common room? I mean, we need to study anyway," They were Ravenclaws after all and he most likely wanted to do well on his NEWTs."Maybe it would benefit everyone if we did it together."
Face scrunching up in thought, she tapped the sides of her shoes together the laces bouncing with each tap. "And we usually find out a week before hand what the topic of the next lesson is," The bulletin board usually helped with that. "Maybe we could read on it a bit and tell them the main points before class so they can be prepared to answer."
Theodore quickly embraced his fellow prefect in a happy hug. The Ravenclaws could really do it this year. They
would do it this year. They had to break their losing streak! Their mission was official: get
rich points or die tryin'.
Chuckling at Ivory's comment about their sauciness being awesomeness, a phrase that he would have expected only to hear from his more goofier companions, he rubbed his hands together and craned his neck back, glancing up at the weak sunlight that shone on the gazebo as he considered her suggestions.
Think, think, think Theo! Scrunching up his face with concentration, the gears of his mind began to spin rapidly. What would be a foolproof plan that would lead their noble house to victory this year? "Study sessions would be good..." Although Ellie would murder him if he missed out on quidditch for studying. It was a truly a wonder that she was in Ravenclaw: she possessed the intelligence, but as for the drive to work hard in academics? Nope. "Why don't you say we take on a few students? I mean, after we start these sessions and put up adverts on the common room notice board, I think a enthusiastic fifth and sixth year helpers would be great." Because taking on the entirety of Ravenclaw house wasn't prudent with only 2 prefects leading the group meetings.