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Fred is awesome
'Yeah, we were all Muggles at my school, they were freaked out at what I could do. It's because of them I'm scared of heights!' Rose said. 'Aw, I love reading, our mum's an English teacher!' Rose saidenthusiastically. 'Punched someone in the face? Why?' Rose laughed
"Muggles just don't understand." she said thinking of her foster parents.
"Why are you scared of heights?" she asked suddenly.
"An english teacher?! Cool! Mine's a geography teacher." Her foster mum anyway. And she honestly meant it as well. She'd loved english at her muggle school!
"During the last game of the year the gryffindor captain was on her broom complaining that they'd lost, so she 'accidently' collided into her on her broom and punched her in the face." She coudn't help but laugh a bit.
"It was a good punch as well. She was in the hospital wing for nearly a week!"