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Alex felt like a complete idiot so she just looked at her feet and kept quiet. Bleh. Maybe she should just stop talking to people altogether and save herself from embarrassment. She started walking into the zoo, trying to get a look at all the animals. Okay. The smell was getting to be terrible but she managed to keep any expression from entering her face.
Alex was about to answer him when he just kept walking on. She stared after him for a second, not sure whether she wanted to follow him or just walk away to the other side of the zoo. But..that would be immature. She took a deep breath and calmed herself down, before she started to follow him.
Brad looked at the animal in front of him once more before turning to smile at Alex whom was just catching up to him. He knew he'd been rude to just walk away like that before letting her answer but it had felt really awkward to him. More awkward then the time he found out Emily had a boyfriend. Gah he hated that guy whoever he was.
"Take a look at this" He said smiling turning back to the animal before him.