Hey Heather, posting here will make me all caught up again. I hope you had a good time on your vacation. You've come back writing super fantabulous! I can't believe the power you put in your story. It's breathtaking to say the least.
“Great, now how am I going to train?”
“We knew this day would come.” Snape said moving the table.
Not paying attention to him, Ella’s mind began to race. The thought of being absent from her wand never crossed her mind. In America , there was no tracker. Her wand has always been apart of her.
“You will use my wand.” He said in direct and never took his gaze of his wand.
I didn't understand why they were worried because supposedly they can't tell who in the family uses magic, and trust that the parents keep the children from doing magic. But then I remembered that it isn't common knowledge about her being Snape's daughter and staying there for the time. Good thinking there heather.
She knew life wouldn’t be as simple as it once was, but the yearning she felt as she grew in her knowledge clouded her thoughts and thoughts of war and destruction diminished and new thoughts of power filled her mind.
That line is brilliant. I can't help but think that this must have been how Dumbledore felt as he grew up with his knowledge and capabilities being what they were. He found out to late to be careful of himself. I hope Ella is able to get control over herself and master her own power.
Great chapters Heather. I'll be watching for your next.