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"Yeah... Knowledge," Hugo said still looking a bit shocked because Kurumi was about to take some house points from him... That'd be the very first time! How awful.
"Oooooh," he said and wiggled his eyebrows. "So what are you up to?" Considering it was from Kurumi her idea must've been brilliant. She was like a Ravenclaw... But she was too good for Ravenclaw so she was put in Gryffindor. "What was with the house elfs? Were they at the feast?" he asked. Because he hadn't seen any house elfs, really.
Hugo stood up and walked around the dark room. Was she saying this room was going to be used for Divination? A centaur! Hugo quickly turned around at Kurumi, or else where he thought she was. "Kurumi, that's brilliant! Of course!" he exclaimed. "Wow, I've never seen one up close before," he told Kurumi. He loved studying magical creatures, even though it was just a hobby and not an ambition. Centaurs were so... Interesting. He would definitely come to Divination for this. He hated Divination though. He didn't understand any of it.
Hugo, I'm not taking any points from you," she said, eyeing the stiffness in his frame. "
I was joking." Should she playfully punch his arm? People did that when they were teasing, right? She decided to refrain for the time being. No need to make the situation any more awkward than it already was.
I-I am only speculating...the old Divination room is inaccessible. Locked shut and no ladder...," Kurumi said waving her arms around a bit frantically. For all she knew there was just some overbearing professor who refused to climb stairs or was afraid of heights. Still, there was no denying that she was bubbling on the inside at the prospect of perhaps having a centaur as a professor. She had read that they were well-versed in magical healing, Divination, archery, and Astronomy and she suddenly got even more excited. Astronomy had been very VERY dry over the course of her studies at Hogwarts, but perhaps if her inkling was correct, the new professor could shine some light at it were. Perhaps do a lesson on Astrology. Kurumi found that rather fascinating although very illogical. "
Neither have I, but I doubt they would like us gawking at them." This was a school, not a zoo after all.
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A clattering noise echoed on the stone floors of Hogwarts Castle. At first, the sound was faint but it grew louder as whatever was making the sound approached the empty classroom located on the castle's ground floor. The door to the room was wide open and the clattering noise was now echoing in the room.
The being had the lower body of a chestnut horse and the upper torso of a human with black hair. He stopped when he saw that the room was occupied with two humans. But he was informed by the Headmaster that he was to refer to the younger ones as 'students' or 'pupils' and the older ones as 'colleagues.'
"I did not realize this room was occupied by students," stated Thereos and his hooves clacked loudly on the stone flooring as he adjusted his stance.
Kurumi was about to suggest to Hugo that perhaps they should head to the Great Hall for some dinner when she her footsteps. No, wait, they didn't sound like footsteps at all. Her head snapped back around to gawk at Hugo.
The clattering ceased, and she ever so sloooooooooooowly swiveled her head around once more where she laid eyes on a very scruffy looking man. It didn't stop there though, her eyes lowered to where human legs should have been, only to see that there were none...but the chestnut ones of a strong stallion. She tried not to allow her jaw to drop and she had to bite her tongue from saying something stupid like
Do you know you're a centaur!?
S-S-Sorry, Sir," Kurumi said with a deep bow. "
The door was open and..." Her and Hugo had a knack for exploring and poking their nose where it didn't belong sometimes? At least there was no man-eating plants around this time, right. "
Are you...the new Divination professor?"