Originally Posted by
Miss Marilyn
Marilyn jumped in surprise as a familiar voice sounded behind her. Whirling around, she glared. "Don't sneak up on me." Running her fingers through her hair, she prop'd herself against the wall. The attempt was casual...but her awkwardness was winning out.
Rafe was asking how she was doing....Well, how had she been? Just classes and First Years ruining her FINAL year. No big deal, apparently.
"I'm good, I suppose." Yea, no admitting weakness to the enemy. Was Rafe the enemy?...No...but STILL!
Rafe put his hands up in the air like a common criminal as if he was giving himself up to her.
"It won't happy again, milady." He laughed slightly.
"A knight would never want to alarm such a damsel. Not that your a damsel...actually you're far from it."
Rafe could sense she was very guarded and not quite her usually self, but he'd let that go for now.
"Well, it's a good thing to here. So what's been on your mind? Still worried about the whole Caroline thing?"