Hi Connie!

So sorry for the late reply. Uni has just started and I had to get myself busy during the past week to prepare for it. I haven't forgotten your wonderfull ff though. I was very much looking forward to reading yout latest chapter and I'm glad I didn't delay it for any longer. I liked the content. But before I comment on that, I'd like to say that I completely understand what you mean now in terms of the meaning of love in Harry's life. You're right, maybe he never fully understood he's own capability to love but has always been told that he had it in him by Dumbledore. He never fully understood it as you said. He had somewhat been deprived from it early in his life when hewas in most need of it (at the Dursley's and lack of nurturing parents). His condition in that sense was somewhat like Voldemort's childhood. But later on, he was directed in the right direction instead of letting the revengefulness get to his head. He didn't direct his angers on others but kept composed and straight headed. I also like your example with the ice cream. I always like your witty examples.

It makes you think. I understand his motives better now from reading your explanations. This clarifies things. Thanks for taking all the time to respond to my comment Connie.
Dumbledore’s eyes shone with pride. That is exactly right. The wand you buried with me is now just a plain wand. Your wand is now the Elder Wand, plus everything I put in it, and of course everything that you made it; an extension of yourself.”
Wow! That's actually so cool! I love the intriguing things you come up with, like this one.
Harry looked at Dumbledore incredulously. “I have your powers and knowledge?”

Gah! So so cool! I love this idea and the Dumbledore's explanations which followed this line. Amazing!
“It might sound that way, but what I said is that the wand is a tool of direction and precision. It is an extension of you, your mind. When it directs the magic with precision, it is using your mind to know what to do with the energy it is going to use in the form of magic. The wand is a living thing in as much that the neurons and fibers of what it was made from sends and receives messages from the users brain to it’s own power. As with all living things, it strives to keep living. That is why it transferred it’s powers to your wand without you even knowing it.”
Your explanations make so much sense. Unfortunately J.K. Rowling never went in depth with how the transferring of magic through wand work and she never explained much what "a wand chooses a wizard" really means. She could have got Ollivander to explain it better to Harry like how you did.
I like the bit Dumbledore explained about Lily's protective charms and how it made the curse rebound. Also Harry's energy draining from painting the portraits was very intriguing. I loved the little banter between Snape and Harry. It was hilarious. Though for the most part it was very touching hearing them speaking such kind word to each other (by the end of their convo). And last but not least. Faux is just amazing, isn't he?
I can't wait to read about what quest Harry will be on next and this time it's more exciting since Dumbledore, Snape, and Faux are also involved.
Great chapter. PAMS!