Thread: The Gazebo
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Old 09-08-2011, 03:08 AM   #89 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Vashti couldn't help but smile a little at Alfie's answer. Of course she wouldn't be looking forward to the OWLs - who would, really? Not even a Ravenclaw could really "look forward" to those exams. When they basically decided your future and what classes you could take and what jobs you could apply for - well, who really looked forward to that? It was a lot of pressure. Too much, in Vashti's opinion. But she'd gotten through it and so had thousands of other students before her, so she supposed it wasn't that bad. Not when you had completed them, anyway.

So were they difficult? "I'd say they are only if you don't study at all," she answered after a few moments of thought. "So long as you study pretty consistently and pay attention in class and practice, you'll be fine." She nodded.
Alfie listened to Vashti's opinion of the tests' level of difficulty with attentive blue eyes, obviously interested in hearing what the older girl had to say. At hearing that the tests were only truly difficult if you didn't study at all, the little blonde Ravenclaw let out a soft sigh of relief. She gave a nod as the girl at her side assured her that she'd be fine if she studied, paid attention in class, and practiced, all things that Alfie had already been preparing for. She knew that she needed to pay attention and study often, but she was glad to hear that there wasn't anything she couldn't prepare for over the next year.

"Thanks," Alfie said with a genuine smile, the relief evident on her face. "I'm glad I got to talk to you today, I've been a bit curious about the OWLs, actually," she mentioned with a bit of a shrug, absentmindedly tucking more of her long light blonde hair behind her ear. "So, other than OWLs talk, what else do you do around school? Quidditch?"
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