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Emma smiled as Alfie confirmed that they were only teasing about the whole bromance. Good, so Alfie hadn't thought that they were being a bit too rough on them. Hmm.. Who could have told the guys? This still bugged Emma. Was it Jay? Or was Bree secretly spying on them, sent by Theo!?
And before she was about to talk, Alfie suggested that they pull a prank that would be like a food fight. Emma's eyes widened and an evil smirk appeared on her face. "
Now that is a wonderful idea. I like that idea. We could bake them a cake and decorate it all nicely. And then we can invite them downstairs, apologize for making fun of the bromance, and then throw the cake at them..." began Emma, as her smirk turned into a wide smile.
Emma chuckled and beamed a smile of pure amusement as she watched the scene play out in her head. "
We could do something like that... I do really like the food fight idea, though we'd have to make sure that Theo doesn't bring another cake canon or a food launcher," explained Emma, as she began chuckling. Merlin, she'd never ever ever ever let poor Mr. Dumble live another day without being reminded of the Cake Canon. Oh Merlin. She would totally bring it up at his and Alfie's wedding during a speech or something. '
My second fond memory of Theodore Dumble was in the Giant Treehouse during my fourth year of Hogwarts. We were celebrating Brae's birthday and it kind of turned into a food fight. Girls versus boys. You see, the girls were doing well. We were winning, until, Theo whipped out his secret weapon. The cake canon. Then he won,'. The Malfoy smirked.
Alfie's blue eyes lit up with amusement as Emma started to build upon their plans rapidly, suggesting that they invite the boys downstairs, offer an apology, and then throw the cake at them. Letting out a chiming soft chuckle, the blonde Ravenclaw across from her couldn't help but be completely amused with the idea of possibly throwing cake into the bromance's faces. "I love it!" she admitted with a grin, listening as Emma mentioned that they would have to make sure that Theo didn't bring along his trusty cake cannon.
"I don't think he'd bring that along if it's just an innocent invitation to the Kitchens," Alfie assured her with an amused smile. "We're doing this in the Kitchens right?" She couldn't help but be a bit excited for this; what would be more fun than starting a food fight? It was a perfect way to both apologize, and get their playful revenge.