Thread: The Pathways
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Old 09-07-2011, 07:33 AM   #50 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Hera View Post
"Not very long, almost a month." She was relieved that the girl didn't seem to mind, but she still shook her head at Caltex, one day he would pester someone that wouldn't appreciate his tiny little legs. Seren observed the boy... he was quiet, perhaps didn't like dogs? or just the fluffy type?
No matter...

Ohh of course, a first year. It was so hard to tell these kids apart sometimes, they were all so small. "Well it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Miss Lams."
Seren couldn't help but smirk a little as the first year panicked. "Have you not heard the rule: no hat, no play, no fun today? ... we wouldn't want you getting sunburnt."
Not that you really could get sunburnt in Scotland, but it was a fun rule to enforce. The last thing she wanted was her aloe vera's to be harvested for such little dramas.

"Yes please do so... and remind any students you find without hats along the way."
Oh, not very long at all. He/she was a cute dog regardless, and very friendly. She petted the top of its head a few times. It made her long for a pet of her own. Perhaps she could try to once again convince her parents to get a puppy. She could use her grades at Hogwarts as evidence that she was responsible.

No hat, no play, no fun today. She repeated the professors words a few times before giving a meek smile. Well, that certainly made sense though she wasn't sure if...

"Yes, ma'am." She answered, glancing again towards August and gesturing for him to follow. They'd get their hats and then get back to exploring. "Have a nice afternoon, Professor Bentley." Thank goodness she had allowed them the chance to retrieve their hats. She certainly wouldn't forget to wear it again.

With that, she began to make her way back towards the castle, all the while thanking her lucky stars that it was a forgiving professor that she had met.
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