Originally Posted by
Miss Marilyn
Marilyn peering down at her parchment for a moment, seemingly lost in thought. After a moment or so, she smirked.
"Did you know that there's a student bulletin board in the Entrance Hall?" It would be the ideal place to post any stories...They might have to pay off a First Year to post them...or find any invisibility cloak...The Hogwarts castle walls had eyes...
She sounded entirely too paranoid.
Cassie was asking her further about Rafe...the truth of the matter was that she would ALWAYS care about him. He had been such an important part of her life for so long. He'd went out of his way to rescue her, which she'd just recently found out. He really had went to extraordinary lengths for her...
"You know what, I don't think I'll ever stop caring about him..." And that was all that needed to be said about that...
Flipping through her parchments til she came to fresh sheet, Marilyn dipped her quill.
"If you have no pressing engagements, we can get started..." She hadn't known if Cassie would be busy later or not. As she'd mentioned earlier, they didn't interact much outside of total privacy...
Pausing, she pushed the parchment over to Cassie.
"What do you think?" Cassie watched as Marilyn stared blankly at her parchment, wondering where exactly the girl's mind was. It wasn't until she seemed to break out fo her stupor that she found out."
Seee, they fates are with us. They want us to do this." Well even if they didn't the two girls would be doing it anyways so it didn't really matter."
All we really need to do now is to find a house-elf and have him or her post it up for us. They could be very sneaky and go about their business undetected." Besides, she was sure that a house-elf wouldn't rat them out to anyone.
She stared at Marilyn for a bit then nodded, Clearly she wouldn't be getting anything else out of the girl for now, so she let the topic rest...not forever though, Cassie was sure to bring it back up some other time."
Alright, thats perfectly understandable.." When relationships end, you can't just turn your feelings off just like that.
Cass shook her head. Nope her evening was quite free so she could spend the time getting their first article together. It seemed marilyn was a head of her though as she had been busy writing the article and not jotting down notes like Cassie was. She took the parchment as Marilyn handed it over and read it through. "
It sounds good, but how come you haven't added the stuff about her and Jai?"