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Sarah jumped, then turned around and blinked owlishly. Oh. She grinned crookedly, "Hey, Eris."
She tilted her head to the side and her grin took on a mischievous quality, "You'll never guess what I've just found! I was wandering around and I found this old room. It was totally creepy and weird, but I wanted to check it out anyway." she paused, and flashed another smile, "Turns out that there was a barrier blocking the entrance. But, it reminded me of something I've always wanted to do."
She paused for dramatic effect.
"I've always sort of wanted my own personal, like, Head Quarters." she finally admitted, ignoring how childish it sounded, "When I was younger I never had any friends who could stand my need to check out everything, so I always imagined that my room was my secret HQ and I would pretend that I was going on an adventure, since my friends couldn't tolerate my quests, and my brother considered himself too old for 'games'."
A pause for breath...
"But, now that you're my friend, and you're as adventurous as me... we should find a secret place here and make it our HQ we could make schemes there, and plans for adventures. We could record all of the places we find, maybe even make a map of the entire school. That way we'd never get caught doing pranks, or exploring places we aren't supposed to be."
During all of the talking, she had been waving her arms about in her typical I'm on a roll way, but now she stopped and stared expectantly at her friends. "What do you think?"
Eris listened with complete focus and intent on hearing what Sarah had to say.
Found was the hook,
weird and creepy was the line, and
head quarters was the definite sinker that seemed to have an effect as heavy as lead on Eris, who proceeded to fist her had with a victorious grin at the words.
'Where would we record out adventures, though?" Eris asked, wanting
every detail of this to go perfectly.
But, really,
Oh my Rowling!,
A real hideout for them for plotting and planning.
"Sarah. You are brilliant." She scoped the room as though looking at the first home she was going to move into and planning the furniture scheme.