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Old 09-06-2011, 11:16 PM   #3 (permalink)
slytheringirl71's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Wish I was in London
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elizabeth Rose Drangonheart-Malfoy
Sixth Year
Default Chapter 3:

She walked out of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and looked at her list. The one thing that there was a lot of what books so she knew she jusy wanted to get all of that out of the way. So she walks over to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore.

While looking at all of the books Elizabeth felt someone bump into her. At first she thought it was her bestfriend Quill.
In a kind of mad British accent she states, "Bloody hell watch where you're...." she stopped mid-sentence when she realized it wasn't Quill. "Sorry I thought you were someone else."
Sorry??? What am I saying? Elizabeth thought to herself, Bloody hell!!! What is wrong with me today. I'm being....nice. Have I lost my cruelness?
Elizabeth looks back at the girl who bumped in to her, "Just watch where you're going okay." Elizabeth says in a tone that wasn't quite rude yet...but getting there.

"Um... Excuse me," Daniel said to the [Elizabeth] who was standing directly in front of the part of the shelf that held the book he wanted. He'd already gotten all his school books, so now he was just looking for something to read for fun. He almost immediately regretted saying anything to [Elizabeth], though. She didn't seem very nice, judging from her interaction with a girl who'd just bumped into her.

"Bloody hell!!!" Elizabeth was mad now. First someone bumps into her and now this.
She turns around to face the boy who spoke to her, "What?!?!? What do you want?!?!" She asks him in the rudest way she could possibly think of.
She was very proud of herself she had gotten her cruelness back and she was loving it. She thought to herself again, I might as well act the way my mum and dad raised me.

Daniel stared at the girl blankly. Really? Seriously? "You're in my way," he deadpanned, raising an eyebrow. He'd learned long ago from his seventeen-year-old sister that nothing annoyed mean girls more than not letting them bother you. It had always made her really angry when Daniel didn't react the way she wanted, so he figured it would probably work the same way on this girl. Mwahaha.

"Oh my gosh really! I'm so sorry" Elizabeth says very very sarcasticly, "Guess what....I DON'T CARE!!! and your annoying me so I REALLY DON'T CARE!!!" She says loadly but not quite yelling...yet.
Being mean, cruel and rude was Elizabeth's specialty even this...kid couldn't ruin that.

"I'm annoying you? Interesting..." Daniel answered, scratching his chin. "Hmm." He looked at her. For all her yelling, she didn't really look like she could physically injure him, so he figured he was in the clear on that front, at the very least. "Well. I'm going to keep annoying you until you move." He shrugged. He wanted that book, gosh darn it, and he would stay here and bug the heck out of her until she got out of his way. It was kind of fun, anyway. At home, his mom always got him in trouble when he did this to his sister (which was SO not fair since she always started it)... But his mom wasn't here. And this girl wasn't his sister. So ha. He looked past her at the girl who'd bumped into her and wondered what she was making of the whole situation.

Elizabeth just laughed it was funny to her that he thought that he could annoy her so much that she'll move. She has an older sister and older brother no one can out annoy them. So she could stay here as long as she needed.
"Really? Wow okay! I can stay here for as long as I want. Plus if you annoy me to much I can just hurt you. I may not look the part but I can raise bloody hell when I need to. Plus I grew up in a family of death eaters so don't underestimate me.” Elizabeth says while getting in his face.
She always got what she wanted, where she wanted it, when she wanted it and whatever she wanted it, If she hads to hurt someone to get it then so be it.

Daniel shrugged again. "You talk a big game." He nodded sarcastically, as if to say, Uh-huh, suuuuure you could hurt me. He sized her up. She was smaller than he was. He could probably just pick her up and move her out of the way. But he would rather see where this went first. "I'm Daniel, by the way. Very nice to meet you. I can see that we are going to be wonderful friends."

"It's not just talk...Daniel. Like I said I can raise hell when I need to."
She took a good look at him and he was probably a good 3 or 4 inches bigger then her but she didn't really care. Her older brother was most likely like 8 to 10 inches taller. So if she could take him down she didn't see any reason why she couldn't take this kid down and she wasn't afraid to either. Elizabeth has her fist clenched and down at her side waiting for the moment that he gives her a better reason to just hit him straight in the face.

"If I ever need hell raised, you'll be the first person I go to," Daniel answered with a mock-serious nod. "But for now, the only thing I need raised is that book off the shelf. Is that also in your area of expertise?" Oooh, she was getting maaaad. And he was enjoying it.

"ha ha ha very funny" she said sarcasticly.
She took a deep breath trying to calm herself down. She really wants to hit this guy right now but she knows she can't get in anymore trouble with her mum for "hurting" people. But her dad would be proud of her. She's a young Death Eater in training.
"Don't be bloody smart with me." Elizabeth gets in Daniel's face again.

"Thank you. I've been told I'm hilarious." Daniel grinned, still looking at the girl. He raised an eyebrow when she yelled again. "I suspect if I got smart with you, you wouldn't understand me anymore," he answered, mentally high-fiving himself. That was totally a good one.

Elizabeth's mouth feel open. She was in shock the he pretty much just called her stupid. She hated that more then anything because she really wasn't stupid. She knew things that young wizards her age only dreamed about. Somethings that she wish she didn't know.
"You just called me stupid. Wow! You think you're funny do you? I know things that you could only dream about. I also know how to kill someone and get away with it. My mummy and daddy taught me that one." she informs him. and shs wasn't bluffing. She really did know all that stuff even if she wished she hadn't.

"I actually never called you stupid. You said it, not me," Daniel answered with another grin. "Your parents sound like right winners, then, don't they? Did they also teach you how to get out of the way? Because that's really all I want from you." He crossed his arms over his chest. He actually sort of believed her, but then again, he wasn't sure. She was an 11-year-old girl, after all. In any case, he didn't think she would actually kill him in a bookstore. Too many witnesses.

"You implied it." she reminds him.
"And I never said my parents were good people. To be honest I don't know what they are anymore. They're barely around anymore." Elizabeth was getting upset talking about her parents. But you couldn't see it in her face or hear it in her tone. She hides her feeling very well. She learned a long time ago to hide her feelings so that she didn't appear to be weak.
She shook out all of those thoughts out of her head and answered Daniel, "Like I said before I get what I want, when I want it, where I want it and how I want it and that's not going to change today. So i'm not moving!"

"Implied but never said," Daniel replied. He rolled his eyes a bit. "Don't you really want me to go away and stop talking to you? Because that would happen if you took, like, two steps to the right. Two steps to the right, and your biggest problem right now would be gone." He shrugged. "But I've got nothing else to do today, so if you'd rather keep talking, that's perfectly fine with me. Making new friends is just oh, so fun, isn't it?"

OOC: I defently can't take all of the credit for this eather. I have to thank awakemysoul for the part of Daniel. This is a conversation that i had with her at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore. So thank you awakemysoul!

Last edited by slytheringirl71; 09-16-2011 at 01:16 AM.
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