Personal Name: Kynthia Near
Age: 11
Birthday: October 3rd
Place of Birth: Greece
Heritage: Muggleborn
House: Hufflepuff
Year: First
Favourite Class: Potions
Least Favourite Class: Uhhh none! I love them all. I'm in Hogwarts!
Wand: 11.35 inches, Cherry wood, Unicorn core, twirly
Patronus: Cat
Boggart: Insects (e.g. cockroaches
Appearance Hair: Long and straight, (when it doesn't get stubborn in which case its a mix of straight, curly and other stuff...) light brown with some golden highlights
Eyes: Dark grey-blue
Height: 1.15 meters or 3' 9" feet
Weight: 42 kg or 92 pounds
Build: Average (Baby fat still here...)
Skin Tone: Pale
Family Mother: Anna Hastings Near, 55 years old, Muggle, Unemployed
Father: Paul Near, 55 years old, Muggle, Electrician
Brother: George Near, 34 years old, Muggle, Airplanes Mechanic, Married, Two sons ages 5 and 1.5
Sisters: Zoe Near, 33 years old, Muggle, Teacher - Elena Near, 30 years old, Muggle, Sales Woman/Manager
Pets: Dog -> Named Dolly, Huskey, Grey/White, 11 years old, Cats-> 6 light brown haired ones named Jerry, Finn, Jingles, Little, Carrot, Hefty and 1 kitten black/white/brown fur - 3 Goldfish, 1 Bird, 1 Owl named Iver (the only pet currently with her at school)
Personality: Really loves animals. She already has too many for the house to hold but would adopt even more if her parents allowed. She is a very patient person but if pushed to the limit evacuate the room as soon as you can, there's not telling what is going to happen... She cools down and forgets everything easily though and probably won't remember what she was mad about five minutes later. Can memorize things really fast but long term she is extremely forgetful. A great listener but not so good in consoling others. Can give great advice if she has previously encountered similar problem. Generally quiet and a little shy at times. Doesn't talk much when in a group of strangers, talks too much when she gets to know them. Very funny.
Can never decide on anything, even if its as simple as which color socks to wear.
Favourites Food: Her mothers pot roast
Colour: Red. No! Pink! Oh! I know lilac! *goes on*
Animal: Anything that meows (or roars)
Drink: All red colored juices and Lemonade
Snack: Dracoulinia (Greek snack)
Fruit: Grapes
Music: Lady Gaga, McFly (and a ton of other artists)
Hobbies: Reading, Anything to do with music, Video Games, Movies, Drawing although not that good at it
Likes: Nature, Sunrise/Sunset, Graveyards
,Plants, Paintings, Fairies-Vampires-Werewolfs anything supernatural in general, Sleep
Dislikes: The dark, Being told what to do, Green Beans