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Meanie Nik? Who is this guy then? Hmm, she probably was thinking of a different Nikolas. Then the weird girl finally realized that she had read her letter. "I didn't read it, I skimmed. Wouldn't you do the same thing?" She asked, seeing the Slytherin badge thing on her robes. This weird girl didn't seem like she belonged in Slytherin, for she didn't seem mean enough.
This girl was confusing Jade so much that she was speechless for a second. What was this girl even talking about? "You have a prison on Mars?" She asked, her eyebrow raised. She doubted it. "Well if we're talking about the same Nikolas, you should go find out his last name for me." She nodded. Yes, this weird girl should do that.
"By the way, I'm Jade Skidmoore. Fifth year, Gryffindor. But you can call me, Skids." The brunette nodded. The only person who could call her Jade was Nikolas and nobody else.
Selena picked up the pygmy puff that was scampering... rolling... scuttling...
moving away and placed the purple fluff back on her lap. Kent needed to learn how to behave. She played with the ball of fluff, while the girl spoke. Mostly because the girl had been
rude and read her letter.
"Yeah, but skimmed milk is still milk isn't it? So skimming a letter is really the same thing as reading it!" Selena huffed as she placed Kent on her head.
"And if I diiiiiiiiid, which I didn't say I did, I would just take the letter and never give it back, that way, they don't have proof against me," Selena said simply with a smirk. No physical evidence, no proof.
"I will, once I take over the universe with my best friend," Selena said, beaming before she stopped. Because this girl had invaded her privacy and Sel wasn't going to talk to her. Because it wasn't right.
"I don't wanna go get his last name, you go get it," Selena said, rolling her eyes. Why should
she do all the work? Selena didn't want to know Meanie Nik's last name. Rude Girl did. So it only made sense that Rude Girl get the last name.
Selena now knew Rude Girl's name. Maybe she shouldn't address as such then.
"I'm Selena Zabini-Riddle, I'm amazingly awesome and I am going to take over the universe."
Wait. The girl said she
could call her Skids... if she wanted to. Okay then.
"I think I'll stick to Jadeeeeee," Selena decided with a big toothy smile, just as Kent rolled off her head.