Originally Posted by
Miss Marilyn
Marilyn listened carefully, wondering who Cassie was having thoughts writing about about...One of her best friends that was a guy...They'd never interacted that much outside of privacy. That's how they were able to stay so anonymous.
"Well, that always a sensitive subject...Is this guy someone who stays mad for long periods of time?" Because everyone knew the saying...
"Sometimes it's better to get forgiveness than it is permission..."
Josh and heels? Marilyn smirked.
"Oh, that's definitely getting an article...We'll actually need to hurry on that one since it's quickly coming up." Of course, they'd HAVE to take some photos...It was his own fault, really. Josh and his
"I'm a Lion and not scared of anything" attitude. Poor boy. If he could just admit that girls were smarter and...more intelligent.
"About this friend-boy...I actually have a similar situation..." She immediately thought of Rafe and his
condition. Would that be tacky of her to put out there?
Probably... Cassie shrugged her shoulders. She actually had no idea how Jai would react if she did something like that. Clearly he would know that she might have said something since she was
quite sure that he hadn't told that many people about it. Oh the dilemma."I donno, we've never really been upset with each other before..." she certainly wasn't looking forward to it either but she wasn't sure if she could turn down a good story either. She grinned at the girl and her 'saying'."
yes well sometimes the forgiveness never comes.."
She nodded at Marilyn. Yeah the first classes of the school term were less than a day away and Josh would most certainly be wearing those heels. He didn't worry either because he had a lot to choose from...so the choice was his to make. " I
think I might be able to talk Treyen into letting me borrow one of the cameras for the yearbook that way we can take pictures ans share the memories with the rest of Hogwarts." She smirked.
Cassie's attention was drawn from scribbling on her parchment back to the girl...she raised an eyebrow as she looked at her."
Oh really? Well what are you going to do...?"