Marilyn listened carefully, wondering who Cassie was having thoughts writing about...One of her best friends that was a guy...They'd never interacted that much outside of privacy. That's how they were able to stay so anonymous.
"Well, that always a sensitive subject...Is this guy someone who stays mad for long periods of time?" Because everyone knew the saying...
"Sometimes it's better to get forgiveness than it is permission..."
Josh and heels? Marilyn smirked.
"Oh, that's definitely getting an article...We'll actually need to hurry on that one since it's quickly coming up." Of course, they'd HAVE to take some photos...It was his own fault, really. Josh and his
"I'm a Lion and not scared of anything" attitude. Poor boy. If he could just admit that girls were smarter and...more intelligent.
"About this friend-boy...I actually have a similar situation..." She immediately thought of Rafe and his
condition. Would that be tacky of her to put out there?