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Katrina nodded before picking up her coffee, waiting for him to tell her who the Mrs. Rivera was. She took a sip before realizing. "Oh, Jen!" she exclaimed as she glanced at a nearby cubicle. "I don't think she's in right now," Katrina admitted. The desk was coffee-less, which probably meant that Jen hadn't shown up yet.
"It's my second but in the same department," Katrina answered. She would offer him coffee... but she only had one mug. "Would you like me to leave a note for your wife? You can also try a paper airplane," Katrina offered. Which would make the most sense. "Unless you're here for another reason?"
Not that she was implying anything, of course not. Because she might just point towards the boss man's office and tell him to head over there for any other memos. Katrina wasn't quite sure how he didn't know where his wife was either...
"I wonder why she isn't in." Esteban said, and for the first time he wasn't acting fake..he really didn't know why his wife wasn't in the office. Maybe she had gotten sick after he left the house and she wasn't able to come.
"I always thought Transportation would be a fun place to work." Esteban added taking another look around the office to see how many people could possibly over hear him. He then turned back around.
"How are you liking the way things are going in the Ministry?" Esteban really hoped that sounded casual enough to sound like two friend talking.
At least then if they were over heard it wouldn't sound too crazy.