Originally Posted by
Awwww. That was such a sweet ending!!

Thanks, Seneca!
I think I might just cry...

No tears! I didn't kill anyone off this time!
Em, that was so awesome. It was definitely one of my favs!! I can't wait to see what you come up with next!!
Until next time,
Your loyal reader,
Awe, thanks, Seneca!
Originally Posted by
Hey Emily, very sweet.

I love the way you ended your story. A bedtime story of the real events of the beginning of the story. Classic! I'm glad Abby was able to have a wonderful life, too bad for Alfie though.
Thanks, Connie!
Are there more writing endeavors in the near future? I hope you continue writing, you are very talented.
There are, there are. I'm currently working on two. One set in the Marauder's time and another with the Second Generationers... And I have an idea for another in my head... So, we'll see what happens. Shall I let you know when I get them posted?

Thanks, Connie