Chandler Armande Jacques Cyprien Montague
{Chan•dl•er Ahr•man•de Zh•ah•k See•pree•yen Mon•teh•gyoo}
Bio pic by Pixie (sweetpinkpixie)
Model: Benjamin McKenzie Nicknames: Chand, Channie, Superman, Boyfriend, Frenchie, French Fry, Chan, Chance, Chan-Chan Man, C-Man, Chandu, German Boy, Various insults by Kaia, Channers, Candler, Quincy, Wedgie
Age: 16
House/Year: Hufflepuff, Sixth year
DOB: March 21st 2059
POB: Roubaix, France
Blood Status: Pureblood
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Wand: 12.6 inches Hawthorn wood, Phoenix feather core
Post colour: #3D738B Career ambition: Policeman. Or maybe a chef. Officer Chef Montague? Heh.
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Naturally sandish blonde. Sometimes slightly darker (and it's getting darker as he gets older and it sometimes may go to strawberry blonde or gingerish at times, same with his facial hair).
Distinguishing Features: Scar above the end of his left eyebrow, tattoo on the inside of his left wrist with the initials "KB" standing for Kaia Barnard.
Height: 5'8"
Patronus: Sumatran Tiger Personality: Chandler is NOTHING like his family. Literally, there is no person in his family that he is most likely out of all of them. Except maybe his uncle Louis. He tries to be caring a lot because he believes that everyone should have someone there for them to made feel special enough to talk about their problems to someone. He acts like a normal boy who doesn't have a big house nor servants, but he does. If you met him for the first time rich wouldn’t be the first thought that popped into your head. Though sometimes he does show that he is someone who has a lot of money but given from the fact that he comes from a very classy family he isn't always casual and sometimes doesn't look like he knows what fun is. He does like to have fun at times...just when his father isn't around. Since Chandler was little he had a habit of blushing a lot at little things, like maybe compliments or being embarrassed but as he is getting a bit older he isn't blushing as much as he used to except he still does and sometimes really bad. He also has always had a issue with personal space but during his new experiences in his fourth year he learnt to overcome them both. Chandler can get ticked off pretty easily and can be quite stubborn. A LOT. He is also recently dealing with random appearances of depression and is trying to not get very depressed because when he does, it isn’t pretty but thankfully he isn't a naturally depression person, he's fairly outgoing and..usually immature.
Chucky :3
Fwiendly people
Police related things
Sexy policewomen ![Eyebrows](images/smilies/eyebrows.gif)
Lovey-dovey/cute stuff
Superhero COSTUMES
Having fun (if it doesn't involve getting hurt)
Goofing about
When people don't make sense
Being confused
People thinking he's stuck up because he's rich
Girls who aren’t Kaia hitting on him
Being dependent and being a burden
People being picked on and mocked
Full version of Chandler's bio can be viewed here.
OOC: Hiiii thuur! I'm Zara and it's my..*thinks* I actually can't remember.
Anyway if you want to RP just send me a VM!