Name: Sarah Jane Oliver
DoB: October 13, 2064
Age: 11 years
Year At Hogwats: first year
Blood: muggleborn
Best Subjects: Charms, Care of Magical Creatures
Least Favorite/Worst Subjects: History of Magic, Divination
Pets: She has a cat, Sophie, that she left at her home, and an owl, Pallino, that she brought with her.
Personality: Sarah is outgoing and cheerful. She can't go very long without smiling, and is always laughing and joking. She makes herself known, always willing to talk to new people and trying out for sports. She's actually very smart, but she gets distracted easily, so it doesn't really seem like it. Her ambitions for the future are high; she aims for the stars. She makes friends all over, from seventh years, to first years. Occasionally, she even befriends teachers. Sarah is curious and bold. She loves an adventure, and is likely to be seen exploring secret passages and climbing trees just to see the view. She is very protective of her friends, but doesn't have a problem with sharing a friends with another friend. Sarah rarely blushes and she never back down without first trying her best. Most kids seem to like her, and sometimes adults do, too. But usually adults think of her as too hyper. Sarah loves to read, but finds it hard to concentrate most of the time, because she likes to always know what's happening.
Appearance: Sarah is a tall and athletic girl. Her hair is usually worn down, but sometimes she puts it into a bun or a ponytail. She usually just wears jeans and a t-shirt. Her smile is slightly crooked and her eyes are wide and innocent.
Eye Color: Hazel (mostly brown, with flecks of green and gold)
Hair: Blonde. A little past her shoulders and straight
Skin: Tan and freckled
Height: Tall for her age, she stands 5'1
History: Her first- and only- bit of accidental magic was when she got really angry at her 3rd grade teacher, and made her teacher disappear for two weeks.
Sarah's played soccer, softball, and basketball ever since she was first given a ball to bounce. She joined official teams for the sports when she was in second grade.
She has an older brother who's four years older than her, and her mother and father are both muggles, as well as her brother. Both sets of grandparents are in Ireland.
Last edited by Greymalkin; 09-04-2011 at 11:51 PM.