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Was Sammy spanish now? Isobel hoped not, because she had no idea how to speak Spanish, the only language she could speak other then English was French, and she wasn't fluent in that. She supposed she could lean a little bit of Spanish though, so she could talk to Sammy. But then, she spoke in English and Isobel was relieved.
Seven eights? That was close to eight eights. Isobel considered that for a moment. "Well, spaghetti is good." It was one of her favorite foods, depending on the day. Some days chicken was her favorite, other days she loved hamburgers. She liked chicken on that day, but she still thought spaghetti was good. Now that her chicken was gone, she put some spaghetti on her plate and poured sauce on it. Nom nom nom. "It is better than brains at least." She stopped eating and considered that for a moment. "Well everything is better than brains." Except maybe bugs, like cockroaches. She wouldn't know, because she had never eaten a brain or a bug.
Spaghetti is not good.
Anywho. Sammy made a bit of a suspicious face when Isobel started talking about brains. WAS SHE TRYING TO COVER SOMETHING UP?! It all made sense now. Isobel was a zombie and she was trying to cover it up by accusing Sammy of being a zombie. And also being eating human foods. BUT WAIT. WAS SAMMY HER NEXT VICTIM?
Sammy didn't wanna be eaten, that would suck royal hippogriff! So she pulled out her mega defense mechanism
"Please don't eat my brains" YEP. Pulled out the big guns.