ooc:sorry for the late posts again everyone. I was running errands.
Alyssa laughed when she heard Penny's ordeal with the Slytherin Quidditch team."So they love to play rough huh? Hmmm....well if/when I'm on the team, I'll show them what we "Yanks" call rough. We know a thing or two about playing rough...and how to get away with it too," she winked at Penny. "We have new teachers?" Alyssa asked Penny when she heard her talking about that with her friend Aurora. "What happened to the old ones?".
"I'm right behind you, no worries," Alyssa said eager to meet more new people and especially some from the House that her Dad had been once.
"So where do you live?...and I'm sorry, I missed your name?", Alyssa asked the girl again.
SPOILER!!: "[QUOTE=phantomopera24;10613296
Faven could tell, by looking at the outbursting girl, that what she and the other Puff had said was sinking in...at least a little.....she hoped. "We are loyal to our house, and just because we are Puffs, it doesn't mean we have no other qualities. I have always been rather smart, super mischivious and well..I'm not afraid of much, so I suppose brave as well. The same can be said about a lot of Hufflepuffs. All it means is that your heart is focused on helping and protecting others, nothing to be ashamed of, nor something to insult." Faven was careful with her words, she didn't want to seem like she was being forceful, she just wanted the other first year to understand her love for her new house. "Don't forget," she added, "I just got sorted into this house as well, and it will take some getting used to for all of us." With this Faven gestured around to the first years scattered throughtout the tables. One of our brilliant wizards was Grogan Stump, who is one of the most popular Ministers of Magic ever. Two other succesful Hufflepuff alumns were the Ministers Artemesia Lufkin and Dugald McPhail. there is also the authority on Magical Creatures, Newt Scamander; Bridget Wenlock, the famous Arithmancer who first discovered the magical properties of the number seven, and Hengist of Woodcroft, who founded Hogsmeade, which lies very close by to this school." Faven stopped to catch her breath.
"See??? Hufflepuff is a proud and noble house. We just don't go about bragging about our obvious awesomeness," and with that Faven smiled at the girl.[/QUOTE]"
Alyssa was glad that Faven had explained to the girl who had yelled out earlier. She didn't want the girl AND the house to be punished for her swearing but at the same time, she understood the girl's disappointment for she too had hoped that she had been placed in Gryffindor. But now that she was in Hufflepuff, she had begun to see why the Sorting Hat had placed her there. She knew this girl would learn...hopefully soon...that there was ALWAYS a reason why the Sorting Hat did what it did.
Alyssa was glad to hear Elodie say that. "I guess she learns fast," Alyssa smiled to herself. I'll make sure that she'll learn to love Hufflepuff as much as the rest of her housemates did. "Hi Elodie, my name is Alyssa and welcome to Hufflepuff. You know what? I didn't know that about our common room being near the kitchen. Now that's another good reason why I'm glad that I was placed in this House," she grinned at the girl while rubbing her tummy that had begun to growl again.
Alyssa was glad that Elodie was beginning to make friends with her fellow housemates. "Somehow I think that there's going to be a lot of kitchen raiding", Alyssa thought to herself. "We'll just have to make friends with some of the house elves, so that we don't get caught".
"Wow! You MUST be really good at Quidditch. You're only in Fifth year and you're already the Quidditch Captain," Alyssa exclaimed. "The only other person I know who was a Quidditch Captain at that age, was my gr...uh...was uh!...uh!..oh shoot! I forgot their name,"Alyssa quickly corrected herself when she realized that she was about to reveal a name that she wasn't supposed to mention, if she could help it. "I hope that someday I'll be as good as you. Yes I'm going to try out for the team this year, if I'm allowed. I'm not sure how good I am, but I'm going to try my best!!", Alyssa told Isobel.